Page 34 - AAA MARCH-APRIL 2012 Online Magazine
P. 34


        MRO NEWS

                                                                                QANTAS EyES CuTS
                                                                                In  a  recent  radio  interview,  Australian
                                                                                Employment   Minister   Bill   Shorten
                                                                                admitted  that  “Qantas  is  moving  to
                                                                                new  airplanes  which  require  less
                                                                                maintenance.”  Shorten  didn’t  actually
                                                                                admit  Qantas  would  cut  MRO  jobs,  but
                                                                                said:  “If  you’ve  got  a  series  of  new  cars
                                                                                which  don’t  require  you  to  go  to  the
         BOMBARdIER IN                      create  a  full-service  customer  support   mechanics  as  often  you  probably  don’t
                                                                                need as many mechanics.” Enough said.
         SINgAPORE                          hub in the region to complement existing   The  oblique  references  continued  from
                                            regional  networks  in  North  America
                                                                                Qantas  CEO  Alan  Joyce.  He  noted  that
         Bombardier  is  to  open  its  second  ever   and  Europe.  “We  want  to  ensure  our   as  the  airline’s  older  747s  are  retired,
         service centre outside of North America,   customers  in  the  Asia-Pacific  region   the  “entire  maintenance  operation  will
         in  Singapore,  in  2013.  The  new  service   have access to the full range of customer   be  reconfigured.”  He  added  that  some
         centre  will  form  the  cornerstone  of   support  and  services  in  their  own  time   positions will be no longer needed thanks
         customer  services    in  Asia-Pacific   zone and in their own region,” said Éric   to  more  efficient  aircraft  such  as  the
         with   extensive   Original   Equipment   Martel, President, Bombardier Customer   A380 and 737s. He also noted that Qantas
         Manufacturer (OEM)-backed service, and   Services  &  Specialised  and  Amphibious   maintenance  will  be  consolidated  with
         will be capable of performing a variety of   Aircraft. Martel said he estimated there   most  operations  moved  to  Sydney  from
         maintenance  tasks  on  all  Bombardier,   would be more than 1,100 business jets in   current  locations in Melbourne, Brisbane
         Learjet,  Challenger  and  Global  aircraft.   service in the Asia-Pacific region by 2030,   and Avalon. “We need to be ready to take
         Together  with  existing  facilities  in  the   and he wanted Bombardier to be ready to   tough  decisions,  and  we  must  become
         Asia-Pacific  region,  Bombardier  will   support  existing and future customers.    more flexible and productive,” added Joyce.

         SRI LANkA – kLM SIgN
         MRO  operator  AFI  KLM  E&M  (AKE)  has
         signed a deal with SriLankan Airlines to
         offer component support for the airline’s
         A340 and A330 aircraft. AKE says the deal
         will be based out of  France and Singapore
         and will offer what it calls “a wide range of
         ambitious repair solutions”   to  SriLankan
         Airlines.  “Our  dual  airline/MRO  profile
         reassured  SriLankan  Airlines,”  said
         Fabrice Defrance, AKE Commercial SVP.
         Apparently the deal was also sweetened
         by  “very  competitive  prices  and  a  level
         of  quality”  said  DeFrance.  SriLankan
         Airlines  Head  of  Engineering,  Priyantha
         Rose, said he was delighted with the new
         partnership as AKE was a world leader in
         A330 and A340 components support.
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