Page 33 - AAA MARCH-APRIL 2012 Online Magazine
P. 33


        NEW ChANgI

        Weary  travellers  tired  of  the  basic
        facilities  at  Singapore  Airport’s  Changi
        Budget Terminal (The Shed) will probably
        welcome  news  that  the  Shed  is  to  be
        demolished  to  make  way  for  a  new  16
        million ppa terminal, Terminal 4. A Changi
        Airports Group (CAG) spokesperson said
        the  Budget  Terminal  will  close  on  25
        September  this  year,  and  works  would
        take  until  2017  to  complete.  Existing
        carriers  using  the  Budget  Terminal
        Berjaya  Air,  Cebu  Pacific,  Firefly,  South  BRANdENBURg RISES
        will  move  to  Terminal  2,  and  include
        East  Asian  Airlines  and  Tiger  Airways.   There’s a new airport opening in Europe. The Berlin Brandenburg Airport (Flughafen
        Between them, these carriers processed   Berlin Brandenburg Willy Brandt) is to open in June, replacing Schönefeld, Tempelhof
        over  4.5  million  passenger  movements   and Tegel facilities. It will have an initial capacity of around 30–50 million ppa. Indications
        last year, and the airport managers are   are it will be the  third busiest airport in Germany. “A new era dawns for the region
        confident the new setup will handle what   around the capital with the opening of the new Berlin Brandenburg Airport”, claimed
        they see as increased demand. In 2011,   airport  boss,  Prof.  Dr.  Rainer  Schwarz.    “Tourism  is  already  booming  in  Berlin  and
        Changi  handled  more  than  46  million   Brandenburg. And I am certain that ... business in the region ... will benefit enormously
        passengers, 10.7% up on 2010.       from the new airport.”

                                            VIETNAM AIRPORTS                    airports.  However,  sourcing  finance  is
                                                                                an initial challenge, according to Nguyen
                                            MERgE                               Cong  Hoan,  director  of  planning  and
                                            Vietnam  is  to  institute  a  new  Airports   investment.  “We  are  in  need  of  financial
                                            Corporation  by  merging  its  Northern,   investments from many sources, domestic
                                            Middle   and    Southern   Airports   and  foreign,”  he  explained,  as  part  of:  “
                                            Corporations.   Named   the   Airports   ..  a  developing  strategy  to  compete  with
                                            Corporation  of  Vietnam  (ACV)  it  will   the  neighboring  airports  in  Thailand  and
                                            operate  as  a  one-member  State-owned   Singapore,”  he  said.  Vietnam  also  plans
                                            limited  company.  The  VND14.7  trillion   to  begin  construction  in  2015  of  the  US
                                            (US$705 million) corporation will regulate   $10  billion  Long  Thanh  International
                                            safety  and  security,  and  import  and   Airport outside the financial capital of Ho
                                            export aviation equipment. The new body   Chi Minh in the southern province of Dong
                                            will initially focus on the completion of T2   Nai. The 5,000-hectare airport, to be built
                                            Terminal at Ha Noi’s Noi Bai Airport and   in  three  phases,  is  expected  to  become
                                            terminals  at  Cam  Ranh  and  Phu  Quoc   operational in 2020, with four runways.
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                                 MARCH / APRIL 2012  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  33
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