Page 17 - AAA NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2012 Online Magazine
P. 17


        surveying – even skydiving and tourism –
        will all benefit. camp says that activities
        such as agricultural spraying, aerial
        survey and aid delivery will very likely
        have government support, all helping
        boost the industry.
           “Aerospace restrictions may not be as
        tough for activities like these undertaken
        by government contractors, as they
        would be for someone taking a pleasure
        flight in a  cessna 172, for example,” he
        observes.  nonetheless, while things are
        improving, at present there is still a lack
        of general aviation experience in  china,
        and a similar scarcity of infrastructure
        to support it, including pilots, engineers,
        training schools and airstrips.
           But there is no doubt the  chinese
        authorities understand these limitations,
        and have factored in the need for a stream
        of new trained personnel. cAiB has plans
        in hand for new partnerships to develop
        flight training schools, and has partnered
        with experienced organisations to develop
        other infrastructure.

        Overhauling MRO
        chinese airlines currently spend around
        Us$4.4 billion in annual maintenance, a
        figure that is expected to rise to Us$7.8
        billion  by 2020.  And  the country  is  also
        keen to play a bigger role in the global
        market  – as  a provider, not  simply  a
        consumer of services.
           As things stand, two of the largest
        Mro providers in  china are  gAMeco, a
        jV  between  china  southern Airlines  and
        Hutchinson Whampoa, and Ameco Beijing,
        a  jV  between  lufthansa  technik  and  Air
        china. gAMeco provides Mro services for
        Boeing, Airbus and embraer airframes and
        components; while Ameco Beijing performs   737s, 767s and 747s, 747-8s and 777s, and
        heavy maintenance on 737s, 747s, 767s, 777s   is planning double its size by 2014.
        and A340s, overhauls rolls-royce, pratt &   Zhu Xiao, executive director of Ameco
        Whitney and  cFMi  engines,  and supports   Beijing’s sales and supply division says the
        10,000 components, including landing gear,   Mro sector’s rapid growth is being driven
        wheels and brakes, hydraulics, pneumatics,   by several factors. “increasing travel
        mechanics and avionics. Very impressive for   demands from the burgeoning middle   Beijing-based Ameco (top)
                                                                                is probably the biggest
        a region that many reports still describe as   class has become the main driver of air   player in the Chinese
        “developing markets”.               transport demand growth,” he comments.   market at the moment.
           on a slightly smaller scale, Boeing   “in order to satisfy this demand, airlines are   Naturally, its competitors,
        shanghai Aviation  services  is another  jV   bound to expand their production capacity,   of which Lufthansa Technik
        between  Boeing,  china  eastern  Airlines   leading to rapid development of the Mro   Shenzhen (above) is one,
        and shanghai pudong Airport. it maintains   sector as a downstream business.”  are working to oust it”
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                            NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2012  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  17
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