Page 22 - AAA NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2012 Online Magazine
P. 22


                                               Airbus’  Drappier says,  “if everybody   “consistently deliver trainee quality,” says
                                            agrees that maintaining [basic flying]   ian Calvert, CTC Aviation Training (new
                                            skills is essential, the question is: how   Zealand) Ceo. Glenn Frederick, executive
                                            to make sure that all pilots master these   Vp of Commercial Training and services
                                            skills to begin with, and secondly how to   at training specialist CAe, agrees. “As an
                                            keep them current. hand flying on the line   industry, we must aggressively recruit
                                            is not the [only] answer. specific training   and  screen  young  people  with  not  only
                                            is necessary, and use of the appropriate   the physical capabilities and aptitude
                                            level of automation at all times.”  to fly an aircraft but also the attitude
                                               This underlines the issue of supply   to become a professional pilot who is
                                            and demand, versus quality.  it seems   consistently focused on efficiency and
                                            there are two schools of thought on this   safety,” he asserts.
                                            subject.  some airlines are considering   so it seems highly likely that the
                                            setting up their own ab-initio training   aviation  community  will  continue  to
                                            schools since they are very concerned   outsource its training. Airlines work
                                            that the training industry will not be able   under increasingly small margins, and
                                            to supply enough pilots appropriately   they must do everything they can to keep
                                            qualified and experienced to be able to   costs down.  outsourcing of training is
                                            satisfy their ongoing needs.        one opportunity to keep pilots flying the
                                               Many others, such as Jetstar Asia,   line rather than sitting in the company’s
                                            are turning to specialist operators and   training centre being a drain on resources
        Some of CAE’s training facilities are   training schools to provide this delicate   rather than a profit generator.
        equipped with the full-flight simulators   balancing act. The airline has sought
        needed to train pilots for the Boeing   the assistance of new Zealand trainers   New departures
        787, an aircraft that many airlines have
        already placed orders for           CTC. The company will offer ab-initio   which is all very well in an ideal, “wanna-
                                            training for the airline’s new A320s,   be-flyer” world. but what about training
                                            scheduled to arrive over the next year   for the next generation of pilots who are
                                            or so. “we are working to recruit the   simply looking for a good job that pays
                                            best talents  to  join  us,”  says  Jetstar   well and fits into today’s lifestyle?  not
                                            Asia Ceo Chong phit lian.           one that makes them feel like lindbergh
                                               As larger organisations such as   or biggles. Today’s trainee pilots have a
                                            Jetstar join the outsourced training   very different set of requirements, and
                                            movement,  with  pilots  from  Australia,   will need teaching in very different ways
                                            new Zealand and Vietnam all passing   to  the  old  “left-hand  seat”  system.  bob
                                            through CTC’s classrooms, this confirms   bellitto,  boeing Flight  services Global
                                            the  capability  of  firms  like  CTC  to   sales  Director  (himself  an  ex-military

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