Page 14 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 14


                                            in the US alone, killing 17 and injuring 39.   to sell is the internet, and the use of net-
                                            Although more recent figures are hard to   only suppliers. “Traders and brokers are
                                            come by, it’s estimated that 2% of the 26   able to buy cheap components on the
                                            million aircraft parts installed every year   Internet  and  sell  them  with  a  markup
                                            are counterfeit. That’s over 500,000 fake   to  commercial  and  military  operators,”
                                            and potentially suspect  or lethal parts   writes Parry. “These types of supply
                                            flying our skies.                   routes have been particularly active in
                                               Finnegan’s lawyers say that because   the U.S., where oversight and certification
                                            the global market in aviation parts and   have been afforded a lower priority than
                                            electronics  is  largely  unregulated  and,   the need to source scarce components
                                            in some cases, highly difficult to track   to deal with immediate operational and
                                            at point of sale. Rear Admiral Chris   commercial pressures.” It seems the core
                                            Parry,  commissioned  by  Reuters  to   problem is Cost v. Safety – as Guberman
                                            author a special report on the subject,   accurately points out in his report on the
        Rear Admiral Chris                  agrees. “Counterfeiters, having provided   possibility of poor quality and suspect
        Parry was commissioned              false airworthiness certificates and   parts in aircraft as a result of current
        by Reuters to author                packing slips, will usually offer product   ISO registration and auditing practices
        a special report on                 copies for sale at a discount,” he says.   of these closely affiliated organizations.
        counterfeiting                      “Illegal manufacturers sell parts to   Indeed, the diversity of global supply
                                            other manufacturers or brokers, who,   sources and logistics chains currently
                                            in turn, sell and ship the counterfeit   being used by major manufacturers –
                                            aircraft parts to both military and   Airbus uses some 1,500 suppliers in 30
                                            commercial  maintenance  programs,  countries – makes identifying every single
                                            creating additional false documents to   part (and subsequent spare part) a virtual
                                            misrepresent the origin and obscure the   impossibility. Like most dodgy business, it
                                            authenticity of the counterfeit parts,” he   seems the bad boys have taken a serious
                                            explains.                           interest. Some reports indicate that
                                               To make things even more confusing,   “widespread criminal involvement, both
                                            fake-makers often charge no-fake (i.e.   at national and international levels” is
                                            just below normal) prices to reduce the   starting to creep into what was originally
                                            risk  of  suspicion  and  detection  and  to   a back-yard or back-door industry.
                                            maximise profits along the way; too-low   As yet, the people who are being
                                            prices would raise suspicions. According   required to fit parts that may or may
                                            to Parry, brokers in the U.S. are the key   not  be  original,  suitable,  even  safe,  are
                                            to the trade. They buy parts from black   powerless to do anything more than
                                            market  or unverifiable sources (he cites   inform the authorities (see sidebox).
                                            Chinese and mostly Asian sources) – and   “Where … does the FAA stand on these
                                            then resell them to government agencies,   issues?” asks Don LaBelle, President of
                                            commercial  airlines  or  sometimes  the American Machine Shops Network
                                            directly to procurement chains for use as   (AMSN) in one interview.  “Sadly, this
                                            original equipment.                 appears to be a classic case of ‘profit over
                                               The other recent development that has   safety,” he asserts. “If confirmed by the
                                            made counterfeiting aircraft parts easier   FAA, any such manufacturers knowingly

            a comprehensive strategy is needed that engages authorities,
        aviation industries and governments in the provision of intelligence
        and a system to track counterfeiters and their products

        – Rear Admiral Chris Parry

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