Page 12 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 12


        Component Refurbishing

        – New or No Clue?

        remanufactured, refurbished and re-used parts are becoming increasingly
        important to cost effectiveness across a wide range of aircraft parts. But is the
        practice safe in the long term? Can certification keep up? are operators sticking to
        the rules, or cutting corners? We look at aspects of the second-hand trade.
        By Jeremy Torr

                                            “QUALITY  IS bROkEN  IN  AEROSPACE,   a spare part. Actually, a repaired part
                                            as well as other industries,” says Daryl   can be considered as reliable as a new
                                            Guberman, president of Guberman-PMC,   part,” notes David Vargas, Press Liaison
                                            LLC a quality control consultancy. “All   manager at ATR.
                                            major  registration  companies  operating   Airframes are also in need of partial
                                            in the United States are in fact overseen   remanufacture on occasion, as patterns
                                            by a single accreditation body located in   of crack propagation become apparent.
                                            Milwaukee, Wisconsin.” Guberman has   Modern  inspection  techniques  and
                                            been quoted as saying that this certification   the development of repair schemes by
                                            and accreditation process includes major   aircraft manufacturers mean that whole
                                            conflicts of interest – with the result that   remanufactured replacement sections
                                            safety is being compromised for the sake   made up of frames, stringers and skins
                                            of higher profits.                  can be quickly replaced – such as within
                                               Indeed, a report from Loughborough   Boeing 747s that are suffering from fatigue
        Daryl Guberman, Guberman-PMC, LLC   University in the UK has highlighted that   cracking in areas of the fuselage, or as ATR
                                            the very high  cost of airframe, engine   says, sub-structures like engines, landing
                                            and  system  components  in  military  and   gears,  propellers,  complex  calculators,
                                            civil aircraft means there are plenty of   and large structural parts (like doors,
                                            remanufacturing  and  refurbishment  ailerons or leading edges).
                                            programmes currently running. The     But with the increased sophistication
                                            report  catalogues  instruments,  control   of “technical re-mining” components and
                                            surface actuators and engines as all   materials from everything from mobile
                                            being “very rarely scrapped - instead   phones to oil tankers, the temptation
                                            they are brought up to standard by a   to  use  an  “almost  the  same,  almost
                                            remanufacturing  programme.”  This  as new, almost as good” component is
                                            approach  means  that  for  much  reduced   becoming increasingly common, if we are
                                            cost,  an  aircraft  can  be “hot-swapped”   to  believe  the  reports.  A  BusinessWeek
                                            with a good,  working power plant or   story claimed that at least four times in
                                            instruments so that time on the ground is   recent years, the Pentagon’s inspector
                                            minimised – and at much less cost than   general has found that major suppliers
                                            fitting a new engine or navset. This, says   had  “collected excessive or unjustified
                                            the report, is particularly important with   payments on U.S. defense contracts” by
                                            civil aircraft which can only earn revenues   fitting  used helicopter parts instead of
                                            when in the air.                    installing new ones which were specified.
                                               Manufacturers agree. “The principles   And in 2011,the U.S. Senate Committee
                                            of regulation aim at securing operations.   on Armed Services collected data on a
                                            If regulations are optimally followed,   staggering 1800 cases involving a million
                                            there is no risk taken when repairing   suspect parts, according to a report from
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