Page 9 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 9


                                             Action Group (ATAG), He said that
                                             governments need to play their part by
                                             agreeing a package of actions, including
                                             a global market-based measure, and by
                                             helping reduce emissions even further.
                                             “We strongly urge governments … to settle
                                             differences and show climate change
                                             leadership,” he urged. In 2008, the aviation
                                             industry became the first in the world
                                             to agree a comprehensive approach for
          ICAO calls for green               reducing its emissions. Based on the ‘four   Embraer Delivers
                                                                                1,000th E-Jet
                                             pillar strategy’ of technology, operations,
          governments                        infrastructure and a global market-based   Brazilian manufacturer Embraer has
          The   International  Civil  Aviation  measure, it offers an “aggressive set   delivered its 1,000th E-Jet to Republic
          Organization (ICAO) has issued what it calls   of global emissions-reduction targets”   Airlines which will operate the aircraft
          “a strong call for action” for governments   which include the stabilisation of net CO2   on behalf of American Eagle. The
          to support the industry’s efforts in   emissions from 2020 and the halving of   delivery is part of Republic’s order
          reducing industry climate impact. “While   CO2 emissions by 2050, compared to 2005   for 47 E175s announced at the start
          the industry continues to make significant   levels. “From the  start, we have taken   of  2013.  “This  is  truly  a  remarkable
          progress in reducing its emissions   a pragmatic and responsible approach,   milestone given that we have delivered
          through technological, operational and   understanding political realities. Now it   1,000 airplanes in less than ten years,”
          infrastructure improvement, we can only   is time for governments around the world   said Frederico Curado, President &
          do so much,” said Paul Steele, executive   to  work with us and  with  civil  society to   CEO of Embraer S.A. “This makes
          director of the industry-wide Air Transport   achieve this goal,” added Steele.   Embraer E-Jets among the most
                                                                                successful aircraft in the history of
                                                                                commercial  aviation.  We  share  this
          IT onboard, slowly                                                    achievement with all of our customers,
          According to a recent survey, more   of passengers carrying smartphones   suppliers  and  especially  our  Embraer
          than 90% of airline passengers    outstrips the global average of 40%   employees.” The company has update
          say  technology  helps  them  when   in the general population. However,   plans for the E175 (the same model
          travelling, but 25% say they don’t carry   despite the increase in penetration,   that Republic took delivery of) with a
          a  smartphone.  The  survey,  conducted   mobile usage rates for things like check-  package of aerodynamic and systems
          by SITA, was conducted at six key   in and booking remain below a miserly   improvements, including new wingtips
          airports,  and  underlines  the  move   5%. “The majority of passengers - 78%   designed to contribute an expected
          tech-savvy travelling – but with some   - cite usability concerns and limitations   5% reduction in fuel consumption,
          reservations. “Technology has become   of the device as a possible reason for   and already has two prototypes of the
          an indispensible travel tool for the   not using mobile for travel,” explains   uprated version. “I extend my sincere
          vast majority of today’s passengers,”   Violante.  To  persuade  travellers  to   thanks for [all our customers’] support
          says Francesco Violante, CEO, SITA.   change their habits airlines will need to   and for sharing our vision to introduce
          Violante says 90% of those surveyed   deliver extra value - 63% say they would   an airplane family that has made
          say technology has helped them when   definitely use their mobile for flight   such an enormous contribution to our
          traveling, and at 76%, the proportion   search and 58% for flight status.     industry,” added Curado.

                             UTC Moves Adams Up A Rung
                             Paul R. Adams, currently COO at Pratt & Whitney, is to move up to president of the company. Adams will
                             replace David Hess after more than 30 years already working with the UTC group. Over the past decade at
                             Pratt & Whitney, he has worked as SVP, Operations & Engineering and most recently COO, P&W. Adams
                             is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, and serves on the advisory boards of the University
                             of Michigan Aerospace Engineering Department and the University of Connecticut School of Engineering.

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