Page 11 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2014 Online Magazine
P. 11


        Excerpts from the interview:

        AAA: When PowerJet was formed,      from service entry and is a good proof   Moskovia, and the delivery of our first
        I believe that it was the first time   for the credibility of the programme.  western  customer  “Interjet”.  Our
        in the aero industry that a joint                                       experience in operation has exceeded
        team of Western engineers and       AAA: PowerJet has come a long way   70,000  flight hours, and  we  have
        Eastern engineers came together     since it was created in 2004. How   maintained a high dispatch reliability
        to produce a state-of-the-art       do you view the company today?      (more than 99.9%).
        engine. How did PowerJet manage     Poulain :   We are confident in the
        to win credibility in the market?   programme. Along with the experience of   AAA: With the demand for more
        Poulain : PowerJet has been built on solid   the two parent companies, the SaM146 -   regional jets, how is PowerJet
        foundations  with  extensive  international   Sukhoi Superjet 100 is the most modern   projecting the SaM146 engines.
        experience and a long-standing mutual   combination on the 100-seat class aviation   Poulain :  The  aviation  market  is  set  for
        trust between the partners. Each    market. It can replace larger models on   strong growth. It is estimated at around
        partner had a large experience in design,   thinner routes, or can be used at off-peak   3000 turbofan aircraft in the 91-120
        production and support of aircraft engines.   hours. So,  it has  all the assets  to meet   segment  within 20  years. Around  1/3
           The  SaM146  met  all  specifications   airline requirements right now.    could  be some  SSJ100.  Now,  and  in the
        requested at the service entry by                                       coming years, PowerJet stays in line with
        the aircraft manufacturer in various   AAA: What would you say were     SCAC production ramp-up.
        environments.  After  3  years  of  the highlights of 2013, and how
        commercial operations, the engine has   do you see the year ahead?      AAA: What is the right way to
        demonstrated a dispatch reliability rate   Poulain : 2013, saw the entry into service   go for future engines?
        over 99.9%. So, it is a technical success   with  yakutia,  Sky  Aviation,  Lao  Central,   Poulain : The SaM146 engine received its
                                                                                EASA Type Certificate in June 2010 and
                                                                                is in compliance with all specifications.
                                                                                The engine has entered in service in 2011,
                                                                                only 3 years ago so there is no reason to
                                                                                modify it so early. A long range version
                                                                                (1S18), already operated by Gazpromavia,
                                                                                enables the SSJ100 higher takeoff thrust
                                                                                (17800  APR)  and  increases  the  range  to
                                                                                4,578 km with a full passenger load.
                                                                                   Nevertheless, Research & Technology
                                                                                and continuous product improvement
                                                                                are priorities for both PowerJet’s mother
                                                                                companies.  Depending  on  the  market
                                                                                requirements, the SaM146 could benefit
                                                                                from future enhancements, using new
                                                                                technologies currently developed through
                                                                                Snecma and Saturn R&T programs.
                Type: Twin spool, High-bypass turbofan                          AAA: What are the short-term and
                Length: 86 in (2.2 m)                                           long-term plans of PowerJet?
                Diameter: 48.2 in (1.22 m)                                      Poulain  :   After the successful service
                Dry weight: 1,708 kg (3,765 lb) (*)                             entry, the main focus of PowerJet is to
                                                                                reduce  the  production  cycle  in  order  to
            Performance                                                         stay in line with SCAC aircraft production
                Maximum thrust: 76.84 kN (17,270 lbf) (*) (Maximum takeoff thrust)
                Overall pressure ratio: 23.8:1                                  and to reach the level of around 100
                Bypass ratio: 4.43:1                                            engines in year 2015.
                Specific fuel consumption: 0.374 lb/lbf-hr (Dry) and 0.629 lb/lbf-hr (Cruise)  PowerJet’s first priority is the SSJ100
                Thrust-to-weight ratio: 5.3:1                                   program, but we consider any opportunity
                                                                                in this market.
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                                 MARCH / APRIL 2014  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  11
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