Page 12 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2014 Online Magazine
P. 12


        Next Generation VTOL

        Novel design of the X-Plane concept By J K Chandra

                                            thE quEst to  EnablE radical        and innovative engineers to concurrently
                                            improvements in Vertical Takeoff and   push the envelope in four areas: speed,
                                            Landing  (VTOL)  flight  took  an  important   hover efficiency, cruise efficiency and
                                            step last month, when the U.S Defense   useful load capacity.”
                                            Advanced Research Projects Agency     Boeing is offering its ‘Phantom Swift’
                                            (DARPA), awarded prime contracts for   for the competition, and last year went
                                            Phase 1 of its VTOL X-Plane competition   from scaled model to flying prototype in
                                            to four companies. Heavyweights Boeing   less than a month. According to Phantom
                                            and Sikorsky made the cut along with two   Swift chief engineer Perry Ziegenbein “A
                                            lesser known companies, Aurora Flight   picture is worth a thousand words, a flying
                                            Sciences Corporation and Karem Aircraft,   model is worth a million words. No matter
                                            Inc. All the designs proposed to DARPA   what words you put in a proposal, having
                                            were for unmanned platforms but DARPA   hardware that you can demonstrate
                                            stresses that “the technologies that VTOL   that  they  can  tangibly  see  what’s  being
                                            X-Plane intends to develop could apply   proposed goes a long way toward winning
                                            equally well to manned aircraft.”   that proposal”. ‘Phantom Swift’ features
                                               “For the past 50 years, we have   design innovations with fans in the
                                            seen jets go higher and faster while   fuselage and tilt wing fans that aid lift and
                                            VTOL aircraft speeds have flat-lined   control,  addressing  controllability  issues
                                            and designs have become increasingly   faced by earlier ducted fan designs.
                                            complex,” says Ashish Bagai, program   Sikorsky Innovations, the technology
                                            manager at DARPA. “To overcome this   development  organization  of Sikorsky
        Boeing VTOL                         problem, DARPA has launched the VTOL   Aircraft Corp teamed up with Lockheed
        X-Plane Concept                     X-Plane program to challenge industry   Martin Skunk Works to come up with its
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