Page 8 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2014 Online Magazine
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        order for 75 LEAP-1B-powered 737 MAX   recently announced the purchase 42   having only signed an exclusive deal with
        aircraft announced at the 2013 Dubai   Boeing 737 MAX aircraft powered by   Airbus on the A350-1000 series, the -800
        Air ShowGECAS: 20 LEAP-1B-powered   CFM  International’s LEAP-1B  engines.   and -900 series are theoretically open for
        Boeing 737 MAX aircraft.            The engine order is valued at $1.1 billion   competing engine suppliers.
           To date, CFM has received total orders   US  at list price. The LEAP-1B is the sole   Kishore Jayaraman,President, Rolls-
        for nearly 6,000 LEAP engines across all   powerplant for the Boeing 737 MAX, which   Royce  India,  told  AAA,    “With  passenger
        three models, while total CFM56 engine   has garnered orders for more than 1,800   numbers forecast to triple in the near
        orders stand at more than 30,640 engines.  aircraft to date.            future, wide-body aircraft could be a
           Japan Transocean Air (JTA) has also   “We are pleased that SpiceJet has   key solution to increase efficiency in
        recently purchased CFM56-7B  engines   continued to place its trust in CFM,” said   passenger  load  and  air  traffic  and  we
        to power 12 Boeing Next-Generation   Gaël Meheust, vice president of Sales for   are the engine provider of choice in that
        737-800 airplanes. The engine order is   CFM International. “We have built a great   market.”
        valued at US$260 million at list price. All   relationship with this airline over the years   Rolls-Royce   has  built  a technology
        of JTA’s new 737s will be powered by the   and really look forward to introducing the   leadership position with its Trent family
        CFM56-7BE engine, the new production   LEAP engine into their fleet.”   of engines, the latest of which, the Trent
        configuration introduced in mid-2011.   SpiceJet,  a  long-time  CFM  customer,   XWB, is the world’s most efficient engine
        CFM used advanced computer codes and   currently  operates  a  fleet  of  more  than   flying today. Trent engines will continue in
        three-dimensional design techniques   40 CFM56-7B-powered Boeing Next-  service for decades to come with 2,500 in
        to improve airfoils in the high- and low-  Generation 737-800 and 737-900ER   service and more than 2,500 on order.
        pressure.                           aircraft.                             The company has built a technology
             “This is a great way to come off a   More than 450 GE and CFM engines   leadership position with its Trent family
        record orders year,” said Jean-Paul   are in-service in India with an additional   of engines, the latest of which, the Trent
        Ebanga,  president  and CEO  of CFM   200 engines on order with local carriers.  XWB, is the world’s most efficient engine
        International. “As we get ready to      U.K.- based Rolls Royce is a market   flying today. Rolls-Royce is continually
        celebrate our 40th anniversary later this   leader in the wide-body civil aircraft engine   innovating and,  as part of that on-going
        year, we constantly remind ourselves that   market, with 2,454 engines currently   process, is looking to build on the success
        we simply could not be here without the   in  service,  and  2,763  engines  on  order.   of the Trent family of engines with two
        tremendous trust that has been placed in   With GE’s exclusive deal with Boeing to   new generation engine designs – Advance
        us by Airbus, Boeing, and COMAC, as well   supply engines for the new longer-range   &UltraFan.
        as by our 530 operators around the globe.   versions of the  777 aircraft,  Rolls Royce   “Our Trent XWB is the world’s most
        It is truly humbling.”              will be the sole supplier of engines for the   efficient aero engine, that will power the
           With  thousands  of  GE  engines   new Airbus A350 aircraft. With Rolls Royce   first  Airbus  A350  XWB  into  commercial
        installed on the global fleet of commercial,
        business and general aviation aircraft,
        GE  is  helping  power  the  aircraft  that
        are moving India. There are over 450
        engines in service across India using GE
        technology and another 200 on order with
        local Indian carriers. India’s commercial
        airline fleet is expected to grow quad-fold
        in the next two decades and GE Aviation
        is poised to meet the challenge of that
        rapid growth. Specifically designed for the
        Boeing 777, the GE90 is the world’s most
        powerful turbofan (having demonstrated
        over 127,000 pounds of thrust). It is the
        exclusive powerplant for long-range 777-
        300ER and -200LR twinjets
            GE’s CF6-50 engine began operating
        on Indian Airline’s Airbus A300 fleet
        almost 30 years ago, and this was followed
        by orders from Air Indian for CF6-80C2
        engines to power its A310 aircraft.
           Indian low cost carrier SpiceJet
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