Page 10 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 10


        Forward Looking

        Changi Airport in Singapore to be MRO centre
        By Our Special Correspondent

        a  MassiVe exPansion  PLan is unDeR-   “The exact amount [of land set aside   per annum.  The Singapore Government has
        way for Changi Airport that involves building   for MRO] we can’t disclose,” he says, adding   announced it is due to be completed in the
        a fourth and fifth terminal as well as a third   that the land made available for MRO will be   mid-2020s.
        runway. But it also includes additional land   released and developed in phases. He also   Changi currently has three terminals with a
        for  Singapore’s  maintenance,  repair  and   says there will be some flexibility in terms of   fourth due to open next year that will increase
        overhaul (MRO) sector.              usage of land. The amount set aside for MRO   the airport’s total passenger capacity to 85
           “The whole of Changi East, which is the   is subject to change, he adds.    million passengers per annum.
        area under-development for expansion, is   Tan says the plan is for MRO at Changi to   It could be argued another reason
        1,080 hectares,” says Singapore Economic   be mostly commercial MRO – because it is   for the expansion of  Changi, is not just so
        Development Board (EDB) director transport   next to terminal five, which is a commercial   Singapore can cater to more air travellers,
        engineering, Tan Kong Hwee.         terminal – but the authorities are also open to   but because the air force and the country’s
           He says: “This includes land set aside   allowing business aviation MRO companies to   main commercial and military MRO provider
        for terminal five and for core airport related   be there. “I don’t think we have discriminated   Singapore Technologies Aerospace (ST Aero),
        activities such as baggage handling facilities.   in that way and said business aviation must all   has to vacate Paya Lebar air force base (AFB).
        But a large part of the 1,080 hectares is   be at Seletar Airport,” he adds.   The government has announced that
        designated for industrial. This is because we   Changi’s terminal five will be a ‘mega   Paya Lebar AFB will be demolished, including
        see growth for MRO and for logistics.”  terminal’ that can handle 50 million passengers   the runway, and the land redeveloped into
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