Page 15 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Online Magazine
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B787 reflects a completely new approach to in total MRO costs in the 10-year period. is continuously increasing in aerostructures
onboard systems. Virtually everything that has Component maintenance is projected and other components and this indicates that
traditionally been powered by bleed-air from to be $15.6 billion—the largest share of MRO market is expected to have a significant
the engines has been transitioned to an electric the 787 aftermarket pie—at 35 percent. opportunity in the future.
architecture. The affected systems include: Line maintenance, at US$14.0 billion, is a OEMs will also try to dominate the
Engine start, Auxiliary power unit close second, at 31 percent. Engine work aftersales market for the new aircraft
(APU) start, Wing ice protection, Cabin is expected to set operators back US$9.9 generations. Hence, the other MRO providers
pressurization, and Hydraulic pumps. billion, or 22 percent of the total, while will have to find new business models and
“While much can be said regarding the modifications will account for US$3.8 billion, also new ways in their relationship with the
efficiency gains achieved by changing the or 2 percent. OEMs to survive in the long-term.
means of extracting power for airplane The market is set to mushroom as 787s
systems from the engines, the 787’s no- continue to enter service, bolstered by
bleed architecture brings with it some planned production ramp-ups that will take
significant maintenance cost and reliability monthly rates from the current 10 to 14 by
advantages as well. By eliminating the the end of the decade. The 787’s 2016 MRO toP: A dedicated “Entry-into-
pneumatic systems from the airplane, the market is projected to be US$1.1 billion. In Service” Team is currently preparing
the phase-in of the company’s
787 will realize a notable reduction in the 2025, the figure is forecast to swell to US$8.3 own Lufthansa A350XWB aircraft,
mechanical complexity of airplane systems,” billion, nearly 20 percent of the total for the planned to arrive in November 2016
the spokesman explains. entire decade.
Aviation Week’s latest Commercial Fleet According to a study by Lucintel, a leading oPPosite PaGe: The aerospace
& MRO Forecast data puts the financial global management consulting and market components is a developing market
ramifications of the 787’s advanced design research firm, opportunities for composites primarily driven by increasing
in perspective. Projected total airframe in aerospace MRO can be visualized in three acceptance of composites in
maintenance costs for the entire 787 family segments such as primary aerostructures, aerostructures, especially in
primary aerostructures such as
for 2016-25 are just under US$1.5 billion—a secondary aerostructures and engine fuselage, wing structure, and
minuscule 3 percent of the US$44.6 billion components. The use of composite materials empennage