Page 10 - AAA APRIL - MAY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 10


        Room for More

        Quite a number of the LCCs in the region are owned by full service airline groups thus there
        is some dilution of the LCC model
        By Geoffrey Thomas

        FroM  virtUALLY  notHing  in 2000  to   based  Wizz and Mexico based  Volaris.   the wide variety of circumstances and
        rewriting travel patterns across the Asian   Speaking on CAPA Centre for Aviation   cultures  in  which they  have  been set  up.
        region, the story of the rise and rise of low   TV in November Franke said that Indigo   That is highlighted by Franke’s comments
        cost carriers (LCCs) in the region has been   believes there could be room for a ULCC   on CAPA  TV when he said that potential
        one of spectacular success. But according   in the Southeast Asian market despite   LCC investment in North Asia, for his group,
        to one the world experts in that space   already intense competition and a huge   “is not  currently on the  table,” because  of
        Indigo Partners Chairman  William Franke   LCC  order  book,  “because  the  LCCs  now   restrictive bilaterals. And that is despite the
        there are few pure LCCS, and the time   operating in this region are not true to the   fact that LCCs in North Asia only account
        – and place - is right for a ULCC or Ultra   LCC model.” Quite a number of the LCCs in   for 11 per cent of the market. And while there
        Low Cost Carrier. Indigo set up the ULCC   the region are owned by full service airline   will be sceptics of the ULCC model working
        model at Spirit Airlines and still owns   groups thus there is some dilution of the   there were many who thought the LCC
        Frontier Airlines, which is also a ULCC   LCC model. In Asia LCCS have strayed   model would not work in 2002 when  Tony
        and Franke is on the board of Hungary-  from the traditional model because of   Fernandes launched AirAsia.

        10   ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  APRIL / MAY 2017                       WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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