Page 13 - AAA APRIL - MAY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 13


                                                                                AirAsia reaffirmed its position  as
                                                                                the largest airline customer for
                                                                                Airbus’ best-selling single-aisle
                                                                                A320 product line with its first
                                                                                order for the A321neo (new engine
                                                                                option) version – which comprised
                                                                                100 aircraft, and was announced at
                                                                                the 2016 Farnborough Airshow

        another player in 2018 when start-up KAIR   serve Peshawar, Quetta and Nawabshah.   order but expansion had been slow because
        Airlines begins flying Airbus A320s. Airbus   International flights were next in 2005 to   it had apparently fallen out of favour because
        announced on March 13 that the start-up had   Dubai and in 2007 to Manchester using the   of a political change in Guangzhou, CAPA
        signed a firm order for eight A320ceos to   Airbus A321s. Airbus A340s were added in   suggested last year. But in January, with the
        operate from its base in Cheongju, in central   2012 to bolster the Manchester route with   delivery of its 10th and 11th 737 the airline
        South Korea to international destinations   nonstop capability and Birmingham was   announced five new routes flagging that
        in  North  East  Asia.    Byung  Ho  Kang,  KAIR   added in September 2013. However technical   the shackles may be off.  The new routes
        Airlines chairman, said in a statement that   issues saw the suspension of A340 services   are: Guangzhou-Wuxi; Guangzhou- Harbin;
        the  airline  saw  “enormous  potential  for  the   and with them the termination of both   Guiyang-Wenzhou;  Guiyang-Jinan-Harbin,
        development of a low-cost model linking   UK flights.  Today Air Blue has eight A320/  and Guiyang-Boao.
        central South Korea with destinations in   A321 aircraft serving  12 mostly domestic   The question for many of the smaller
        China, Taiwan and Japan.” The startup faces   destinations  with  international  services  to   LCC players around the region is could a
        stiff competition from Air Seoul, Eastar Jet,   Abu Dhabi,  Dubai, Islamabad  and Jeddah.   linkup  with  Indigo  Partners  to  morph  into
        Jeju Air, Jin Air, Air Busan and T’way Airlines.   At the other extreme of the region Spring   a ULCC be the ticket to rapid growth. The
        According to South   Airlines Japan Co. Ltd. is China’s first entry   big attraction for Indigo of an established
        Korea’s LCCs enjoy a 22 percent market   into the Japanese  market and it started   airline is that most of the regulatory hurdles
        share on South Korea’s international routes,   operations in August 2014. The airline is a JV   should be behind the airline and thus a rapid
        up from 16.2 per cent in 2015, and experts   with various Japanese institutions including   relaunch would be a relatively easy affair.
        predict  they are  heading quickly  towards   the JTB which sells tours to Chinese visitors.   The biggest problem for the growth of
        30 per cent.  They dominate the domestic   While Spring operators A320s, Boeing 737-  smaller LCCs in Asia is that while the talk is
        market with a combined market share of 56.6   800s were chosen because of the dominance   liberalisation the reality in many parts of the
        per cent, according to November government   of that type in Japan and the availability of   region is the opposite.
        statistics reported by the Pulse business   737 endorsed pilots. The airline has just four
        news site.                          737-800s and nine destinations from its
           Way to the east Pakistan’s Air Blue   base at Narita. They are: Chongqing, Harbin
        typifies many of the smaller LCCs in Asia   and  Wuhan in China and Hiroshima, Osaka,
        that have started with a flurry and their   Saga,  Sapporo and  Takamatsu.  There are
        progress has stalled. Launched in 2003 and   no announced plans for expansion. Another
        started operations in June 2004 with three   smaller LCC is China’s 9 Air which is a
        Airbus A320s from the base at Karachi   subsidiary of Juneyao Airlines. Established
        to Lahore and Islamabad with three daily   in 2014 services did not start from its base
        flights. During its first year, it flew over   at Guangzhou until January 2015.  While it
        400,000 passengers and quickly grew to   has only 11 737-800s in its fleet, it has 40 on
                            WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA                                        APRIL / MAY 2017  ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  13
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