Page 28 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCOTBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 28


        MRO NEWS

                                                                                Pratt & Whitney Commissions New
                                                                                Fan Blade Manufacturing Facility
                                                                                Pratt & Whitney recently commissioned a
                                                                                new fan blade manufacturing facility at its
                                                                                AutoAir plant in Lansing, Michigan, adding
                                                                                to an existing GTF fan blade production
          AFI KLM E&M and GMF AeroAsia Strengthen Partnership                   line in Lansing.
          AFI KLM E&M and its long-standing partner   the strategic alliance between GMF and   The  new 93,000  square-foot  facility
          GMF AeroAsia recently signed a Letter   AFI KLM E&M is one of GMF’s inorganic   is one of 30 dedicated manufacturing,
          of Intent (LOI), which will result in both   initiatives to accelerate towards its vision   production or assembly locations across
          companies  increasing  their  cooperation   to become  Top 10 MROs in the  World.     the globe performing work on various
          to move up a stage to become a strategic  “This new step fully fits our strategy to   parts and components of the GTF engine
          alliance.  The new alliance will develop a   grow the AFI KLM E&M footprint in Asia,   programme. “Pratt &  Whitney’s US$97
          range of multi-segment MRO products   where MRO needs are booming,” said   million investment in the production of
          delivering high value-added maintenance   Executive  Vice President AIR FRANCE   fan blades for the PurePower Geared
          solutions for the market. President & CEO   KLM Engineering & Maintenance, Anne   Turbofan (GTF) engine at our AutoAir
          GMF AeroAsia, Iwan Joeniarto said that   Brachet.                     facility is part of our more than US$1.3
                                                                                billion investment in 21st century
                                                    seat products for Business Class   manufacturing technology to transform
                                                    and Premium Economy. “We are   our footprint worldwide,” says Shane
                                                    very pleased to contribute to   Eddy, vice president, operations, at Pratt
                                                    Qantas’ success and reputation   & Whitney.  “This expansion is part of our
                                                    by applying  our  innovation and   strategy to handle delivery demands
                                                    proven expertise in designing   on our backlog of more than 8,000 firm
                                                    and upgrading cabins to increase   and option engines on order.” Pratt &
                                                    the efficiency and value of its   Whitney’s AutoAir facility will not only
                                                    A380 operations,” said Didier   undertake GTF fan blade production, but
                                                    Evrard,  EVP  Programmes    is also a center of excellence for test
                                                    Airbus Commercial Aircraft. The   nacelle composite repairs.  The engine
          Qantas to Upgrade A380 Cabins     overall upper-deck integration will be the   maker has committed to deliver 350 to
          Qantas has  contracted Airbus  for the   responsibility of Airbus, and the airframer   400 GTF engines this year and in addition
          upgrade of 12 flagship A380 cabins.   will develop specific tailored monuments   to the manufacturing expansion, Pratt &
         The upgrade work will commence in   for Qantas and a new and unique business   Whitney has four maintenance and repair
          Q2 2019. All 12 aircraft are planned to   lounge  area  in  the  forward  upper-deck.   operations (MRO) facilities to repair and
          be upgraded by end of 2020.  The cabin   The capacity of Qantas A380s after the   overhaul GTF engines.
          upgrade for the double deck widebody will   upgrade will be: 14 First Suites (unchanged),
          enhance passenger comfort on long-haul   70 Business Suites (up by six), 60 Premium
          operations and the new interiors will take   Economy (up by 25) and 341 Economy (down
          advantage of the A380’s large floor area   by 30) for a total of 485 passengers ( An
          to most efficiently embody Qantas’ latest   increase of one passenger).

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