Page 26 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCOTBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 26

                     LANDING GEAR
        MRO FEA

                                                                                The implementation of new
                                                                                materials,  manufacturing
                                                                                methods  and   repair
                                                                                processes is a continuous
                                                                                process in the MRO industry
        through a sequence of predetermined stages,   second course “Composite Advanced Repair”   Boeing 787 composite aircraft MRO market
        from disassembly to stripping, damage   moreover provides practical exercises to learn   is growing at a much faster rate, a CAGR
        assessment, electroplating and beyond.  The   about the detection of certain damages and   of 17.9 per cent, from US$348 million to
        disassembly of an  aircraft’s landing gear   complex repair procedures of all kind.   US$1.81 billion by 2030. On average, the cost
        sometimes brings surprises to light. Corrosion,   “This self-acquired experience is very   to repair a composite aircraft component
        for example, can call for especially extensive   important, because for the use and handling   is roughly one-third the cost of replacing
        repair work.  To minimize episodes like this,   of composite materials only very few norms   the component. The speed of repairs is also
        Landing Gear Services works closely together   and  regulations  exist  to  date.  But  since   important, as the average composite repair
        with Lufthansa Technik’s Line Maintenance to   international standards would make the   takes nearly 15 hours. Grounding an Airbus
        optimize washing and lubrication protocols,   work on composites much easier, Lufthansa   A350 for an entire day could cost over US$1
        resulting in measurable cost savings and   Technik actively participates in numerous   million in lost revenue for the airline company
        reduced scrap rates.                boards and committees that work on such   (US$40,000 per hour).
           Additionally, Lufthansa Technik co-operates   standardizations,” he adds. As one of the leading   Over the next decade, the world’s major
        in basic research with universities, for instance   MRO-providers, Lufthansa  Technik is also a   airlines are slated to add 20,444 planes, of
        in pioneering the automated stripping of landing   member of the Commercial Aircraft Composite   which 17,390 are new technology aircraft,
        gear  components,  which  reduces  undesirable   Repairs Committee (CACRC), in which for   and to retire 10,311 older planes, according
        material stress. We’re also anticipating future   example aircraft manufacturers, research   to Oliver Wyman’s Annual Fleet and MRO
        technologies such as HVOF, Zn-Ni plating and   institutes and airlines work  on international   Forecast.  This will enlarge the global
        composite parts. All these efforts ensure that   standards for the handling of composites.   fleet by a net 10,133. By 2027, 58 per cent
        Lufthansa Technik is ready for new materials,   Moreover, Lufthansa Technik participates in the   of aircraft in-service will be comprised
        manufacturing methods and repair processes   German aviation research program (LUFO4),   of fuel-efficient planes designed and
        as soon as they are implemented.    which grants the company research funds of   produced since 2000.
                                            up to 1.2 million Euros for the development of   Meeting this exponential demand will
        Safe Handling of Composite Materials  an automated repair procedure for composite   require innovative solutions that rely  on
        Despite all technology, even more important for   structures. “Through all the research conducted   the latest technology to match the learning
        the handling of composites are highly qualified   Lufthansa  Technik is well prepared, even for   requirements of  a new generation.  The
        technicians. In this regard, Lufthansa Technical   future airplanes. Those will feature composite   Oliver Wyman MRO Survey 2017 identified
        Training (LTT) train their technicians in two   materials not only in secondary structures, but   three emerging technologies  vital for the
        different courses to prepare them perfectly   nearly in the complete airframes of Boeing 787   next generation of aircraft maintenance
        for working with the new materials. According   and Airbus A350,” the official says.    technicians:  including  composite
        to an official of  LTTT, the first training course                      material repair and manufacture (62 per
        “Composite Fundamentals” teaches the basic  MRO Growth Unlimited        cent); collection and reporting of data
        knowledge about all different composites in   The worldwide MRO is expected to grow at a   for advanced analytics, big data, and
        use,  from production  methods and material   compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.8   predictive maintenance (51 per cent); and
        characteristics  to  special  requirements  per cent reaching about US$65 billion by the   the newest avionics and electrical systems
        regarding the handling of such materials. The   year 2020. In contrast, the Airbus A350 and   (51 per cent).
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