Page 23 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCOTBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 23

                                                                                    MRO FEA TURE   DIGIT AL TECHNOL OG

                                                                                detect the same potential fault on an entire
                                                                                fleet, helping to drastically reduce the
                                                                                chance of AOG for airlines, which can cost an
                                                                                airline up to US$150,000 an hour.
                                                                                Additive Manufacturing
                                                                                One of the most important result of the
                                                                                ongoing  digital  transformation  is  3D
                                                                                printing (additive manufacturing). Continued
                                                                                integration of this technology could turn the
                                                                                shipment of aircraft parts into an electronic
                                                                                exchange of 3D printing blueprints. Although
                                                                                the technology is still in its initial phases,
        digital mock-up (DMU) and shows them the   technology as  a new way of inspecting   adoption on a major scale has incredible
        exact position for the bracket.  The overall   process of its Airbus A320s, and it’s taken   implications for the industry.
        processing time for bracket installation has   to using these unmanned aircraft to check   Airbus has just completed for the first
        been reduced by 30 per cent while achieving   for lightning damage to incoming planes. In   time the installation of a titanium 3D-printed
        ‘right-first-time’ quality.         order to get a detailed visibility on cracks   bracket on  an in-series  production  A350
           AR is just one of a  number of emerging   and be able to plan better for replacing the   XWB.  The bracket is  part  of the aircraft
        technologies that is transforming the way   runways, Atlanta airport is using drones to   pylon, the junction section between wings
        airlines perform maintenance, repair and   help with runway maintenance. A process   and engines. 3D-printed parts are already
        overhaul. Recently at the Farnborough   that has been taking up to five hours and a   flying on some of Airbus A320neo and A350
        Airshow, Airbus utilized an Unmanned Aerial   deployment of an entire team to assess the   XWB test aircraft.  These include metal
        Vehicle (UAV) to perform a visual inspection   runway wear and tear, is now getting done in   printed cabin brackets and bleed pipes.
        of an A350 XWB.  The UAV or drone, was   half the time. Thus, allowing the runways to   The changes being brought in through
        equipped with a high-definition camera and   be open for a longer time.  digital transformation in areas like machine
        took a series of pictures of the upper part of                          learning, autonomous production, and the
        the aircraft while following a predetermined  Data Driven               industrial internet of things (IIoT), promise
        flight path. A human operator piloted the UAV.   With digital technology accelerating at an   to be even more disruptive and drive further
           Using this technology, the images   incredible speed, a vast amount of data is   change than what the manufacturing
        obtained,  especially  those  showing  collected  through  IoT  sensors  in modern   industry has experienced in the last
        scratches, dents and painting defects, are   aircraft  fleet. MROs are  therefore in a   two  decades.  Maintenance  delays  and
        then compiled in a 3D digital model, recorded   position to use these analytics to produce   unexpected downtime are a heavy financial
        in a database and analysed. This data then   outcome-focused  recommendations  burden to the airline industry.  Therefore,
        helps  improve  traceability,  prevention   for operations and maintenance.  This is   embracing the next-generation technology is
        and reduction of damage.  This innovative   prescriptive maintenance. It adds the ability   the only alternative the industry has, in order
        tool  helps  reducing  the  aircraft  downtime   to give advice to the technician on what to do   to safeguard a business from the effects of
        for inspection significantly.  While the   and how to do the repair by taking advantage   delaying digital transformation.
        conventional method for data acquisition   of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
        took two hours, the use of drone reduced the   learning. Although in its early stages, it has
        time frame to 10 to 15 minutes,     the potential to become maintenance best
           “The use of this new technology   practices.
        offers better working conditions including   Bombardier C-Series jetliner is also fitted
        improving the safety and comfort for the   with 5,000 sensors that generate up to 10   opposite  pAge: AR is already
        quality inspectors”, said Nathalie Ducombeau,   GB of data per second. A single twin-engine   transforming the way airplanes are
        Airbus head of quality. Operators no longer   aircraft with an average 12-hour flight-time   manufactured and overhauled. The
        need  to  go  up  on  a  telescopic  handler  to   can produce up to 844  TB of data. During   picture shows Airbus’ MiRA tool
        perform the visual inspection, sometimes in   the 1980s, the number of detectable faults   aiding in the production of A350
                                                                                XWB fuselage shells
        poor weather conditions. In addition, picture   on a Boeing 767 was 9,000. Now, intelligent
        analysis can be done anytime afterwards and   sensors on a Boeing 787 can detect 45,000   top:  The rapid growth of digital
        in an office. Aircraft visual inspections are an   faults, five times as many as the rate 30 years   technology and vast amount of
        important part of the production process. It   ago. Aircraft Health Monitoring System,   data collected by onboard sensors
                                                                                in aircraft and systems will
        is part of the Airbus quality standards.   driven by IoT, has the added benefit of being   dramatically  transform  how MROs
           EasyJet too began limited use of this   able to analyse data from one aircraft to   do business
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