Page 35 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2018 Online Magazine
P. 35

NEWS BRIEFS                                                     BOEING TO SKILL
                                                                                INDIAN AIRCRAFT

                                                                                   oeing has partnered with Air India
                                                                                BEngineering  Services  Limited
                                                                                (AIESL)  to  launch  the  ‘Air  India-
                                                                                Boeing  Accelerated  Apprenticeship
                                                               BOEING           Programme’. Students will be instructed
                                                                                by highly qualified Air India instructors
                                                     CREATES ONE-               trained by Boeing in the United States
                                                   STOP SHOP FOR                and the state-of-the-art ‘smart’ class
                                                                                room are equipped with training aids
                                                    JETS, SERVICES              used for the first time in India, along
                                                                                with a specially customized curric-
           oeing has reorganized its sales  late last year, the move is designed to   ulum  created  by  Boeing  experts,  to
        Boperations as part of a push into  increase the number of deals and boost   skill Aircraft Maintenance Engineers
        services that has helped it take a lead  profits as it will make it easier for Boeing   (AMEs) in India. The AMEs will also
        over rival jet maker Airbus this year.  to sell high-margin services at the same   get ‘hands-on’ exposure on an actual
        Boeing set up the standalone division in  time as it sells planes.  “We approach   Boeing aircraft that will help them
        2017 to build a US$50 billion business  the campaigns in a much more compre-  hone their maintenance skills and also
        in services for civil and defence aircraft,  hensive way than we have ever done   increase their employability, empower-
        including repairs, crew rostering, parts  before,” Reuters quoted Mounir, whose   ing them with the tools necessary for
        and even wind forecasts. Earlier the  role was expanded to include responsi-  a successful career in India’s rapidly
        company offered fewer, more dispersed  bility for jetliner-related services across   growing aerospace ecosystem. “Boeing
        services. Now sales of jetliner services  the group. “So, the price and inherent   is proud to be a partner in this initiative
        have  been  brought  under  the  same  capability of the airplane are just one   in one of the fastest growing civil avi-
        umbrella  as  plane  sales,  headed  by  thing that we are bringing to the table.   ation markets in the world,” said Marc
        senior vice-president Ihssane Mounir,  I’m not going to go beyond that, or I will   Allen, president, Boeing International.
        Boeing Co’s overall commercial sales  be divulging the secret sauce.”   “We are committed to help catalyse
        chief,  reported  Reuters.  Kicking  off                                the growth of special skills needed for
                                                                                the Indian aerospace ecosystem and
          ST ENGINEERING EXPANDS                                                create a capable workforce.” A lack
                                                                                of  practical  skills  and  training  have
          MRO NETWORK                                                           resulted in low employability of AMEs
                                                                                in India, with only two percent receiving
                                                                                type-rated licenses. Boeing and AIESL
                                                                                announced the launch the Accelerated
                                                                                AME Apprenticeship Program in 2017
                                                                                to fill this need gap, the program has so
                                                                                received over 1,300 applications for the
                                                                                entrance examination which was held
                                                                                online across 10 Indian cities. Classes
                                                                                for the first batch of the programme
                                                                                starts in August 2018.
        ST  Engineering’s  Aerospace  has  launch customer at the new facility,
        opened a new airframe Maintenance,  and we look forward to welcoming    AMECO COMPLETES
        Repair  &  Overhaul  (MRO)  facility  in  more customers and supporting them
        Pensacola,  Florida,  USA.  The  new  with the same high level of quality and  747-8F D-CHECK
        facility can carry out heavy and line  on-schedule redeliveries regardless of   meco has completed the D-Check
        maintenance, as well as aircraft mod-  where our hangar is located, time and  Afor a Boeing 747-8F, a global first.
        ification work and joins two others ST  again,” said Lim Serh Ghee, President   The freighter has been redelivered to
        Engineering facilities in the USA. “We  of ST Engineering Aerospace. Located   its operator and already put into oper-
        are thankful for the tremendous support  at the Pensacola International Airport,   ation.  The D-Check project involves
        from the State of Florida and Pensacola  the new hangar has been developed at   more than 1300 job cards, of which
        City governments, which have enabled  a cost of US$46 million and the 173,500   260  job  cards  and  40  Engineering
        us to set up the new facility on sched-  sq ft facility is one of the largest han-  Orders were performed by Ameco for
        ule and commence operations quickly.  gars in ST Engineering’s global network   the first time.  The achievement of the
        Pensacola  serves  as  an  excellent  of airframe maintenance facilities. With   first global D-Check on the 747-8F is
        base for us to serve the MRO needs  an annual capacity of 600,000 labour-  a milestone for Ameco’s base mainte-
        of the North America region given its  hours it can accommodate at any one   nance capability development. Ameco’s
        rich pool of highly trained engineering  time two aircraft of the largest version   base maintenance facilities are mainly
        and  aviation  talent.  We  are  pleased  of the 777 widebody series or six A321   located  in  Beijing  and  Chengdu  for
        to have United Parcel Service as our  narrow-body aircraft.             heavy maintenance.

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