Page 36 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2018 Online Magazine
P. 36


           olls-Royce has signed an agree-    THAI BECOMES RR
        Rment with Thai Airways International
        (THAI) to explore how both companies   MAINTENANCE HUB
        will work together to expand the Trent
        CareNetwork  by  building  on  THAI’s
        existing  Maintenance,  Repair  and
        Overhaul (MRO) capabilities. “Rolls-
        Royce has a longstanding partnership
        with THAI that spans more than 50
        years. Collaborating on engine mainte-
        nance makes good business sense and
        provides the foundation for engineer-
        ing skills development in alignment with
        the  Thai  government’s  commitment
        to develop the aviation industry. We  growing fleet of Rolls-Royce engines
        expect this increased capacity to be  while also generating additional capac-
        available as early as 2019,” said Chris  ity and flexibility within the Rolls-Royce
        Cholerton, Rolls-Royce, President – Civil  CareNetwork. THAI operates around
        Aerospace. Becoming an Authorized  80 widebody aircraft, of which more
        Maintenance Centre (AMC) for Rolls-  than 50 are powered by Rolls-Royce
        Royce will enable THAI to support their  engines.
        TO MODERNIZE B737

            olinor Aviation has invested in a new                              ST AEROSPACE SECURES
        Ntechnology programme upgrading                                        ACJ MAINTENANCE
        the avionics systems 10 Boeing 737-
        200 jetliners in its fleet. The equipment                              CONTRACT
        fitted  will  increase  system  reliability
        and minimise any potential delays due                                      T Aerospace’s VIP Completion arm,
        to electromechanical and analogue                                       SAERIA Luxury Interiors (AERIA) has
        equipment failures. Nolinor expects                                     secured its first Airbus Corporate Jet
        the modernization process to take five                                  (ACJ)  customer.  The  company  was
        to six years, for a total investment of                                 awarded a 12-year maintenance sup-
        CA$10 million. Work has already been                                    port contract for its first ACJ, an A319.
        undertaken on the aircraft with reg-                                    Under the agreement, AERIA will carry
        istration marks C-GTUK, for an initial  EFI  890R).  These  will  be  coupled   out  heavy  maintenance  works  that
        investment of over CA$1 million. For the  with two solid-state inertial navigation   include interior and auxiliary fuel tank
        first time ever on a B737-200, all elec- systems (Honeywell Laseref  V) and   removal/replacement. Ron Soret, Vice
        tromechanical navigational and flight  two LPV flight management systems   President/General Manager of AERIA,
        instruments will be replaced with four  (Universal UNS-1Lw). In addition, the   said,  “We  have  at  AERIA  a  team  of
        active matrix LCD colour screens with  transponder system will be upgraded   experienced mechanics and technician
        LED blacklighting (Universal Avionics  to meet ADS-B OUT requirements.  veterans who can provide the highest
                                                                                level of service and support across var-
        PRATT & WHITNEY                     new product introduction. GatorWorks   ious platforms. We are hence confident
                                                                                in redelivering to the satisfaction of our
                                            is the answer,” said Matthew Bromberg,
        LAUNCHES                            president of Pratt & Whitney Military   first customer for Airbus aircraft heavy
        GATORWORKS                          Engines. “Pratt & Whitney GatorWorks   maintenance, and we look forward to
                                            will seek to leverage commercial enter-  supporting  more  ACJ  customers  in
        The establishment of GatorWorks, a  prise capabilities in rapid prototyping,   their maintenance, modification and
        newly formed prototyping arm within  iterative  design,  procurement,  and   completion needs.” While AERIA has
        Pratt & Whitney will focus on the rapid  testing of cutting-edge products for   built up a strong record since 2014 in
        and agile development of dependable,  our customers. We’ve created an envi-  servicing  and  performing  VIP  mod-
        lower cost military engines, the company  ronment where our best engineers can   ification  and  completion  on  Boeing
        has announced. GatorWorks objective  reach their potential with all the tools   platforms, the A319 is the first ACJ that
        is to deliver state-of-the-art engines  they need, but without the unnecessary   the company is supporting at its facil-
        in half the lead time and for half the  internal barriers that can sometimes   ity located in San Antonio, Texas, USA.
        cost of traditional procurement cycles.  slow  them  down.”  GatorWorks  has   This milestone project allows AERIA to
        “The standard large engine develop-  been operational since early 2018 and   showcase its capability and knowledge
        ment cycle is roughly 20 years. Our  incorporates a mix of cross-functional   base in Airbus platforms to potential
        customers have asked for rapid inno-  teams, vertical integration and a short   ACJ customers looking for customised
        vation, technology development and  list of suppliers and partners.     VIP interior solutions.

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