Page 37 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2018 Online Magazine
P. 37




           he new Passenger Service Charges
        T(PSC) structure to be implemented
        on 1 July 2018 will make Changi Airport
        one of the costliest airports for pas-
        sengers in Asia Pacific, a Singapore
        Business Review report quoted UOB
        Kay Hian. The airport development levy
        on departing passengers will fund the
        development of the third runway and
        Terminal 5, a report said. PSC will rise   (LPA) fees will also be raised by 1 per  will be the most price sensitive,” SBR
        by 39 per cent to $13.30 for departing   cent annually till 2024. “Several airlines  quoted UOBKH analyst K Ajith. The
        passengers, whilst the cost for tran-  have stated that they will not absorb  potential decline in pax throughput at
        siting passengers will rise by $3 per   the increase in PSC, and this will raise  Changi may result in slower growth, he
        pax. In addition, PSC for departing pas-  overall ticket prices for passengers.  said. Pax throughput at Changi could
        sengers will rise by $2.5 annually till   Low-cost travellers, who account for  grow by 5 per cent in 2018.
        2024. Landing, Parking & Aerobridge   30 per cent of Changi’s throughput,

          JET AIRWAYS RECEIVES                                                   PAL ADDS FIRST
          FIRST 737 MAX                                                          A321NEO

         ndian full-service airline Jet Airways  backbone of our dynamic fleet for many
        Ihas taken delivery of its first Boeing  years and we are excited to leverage
        737 MAX jetliner. Jet Airways will be  the superior capabilities of the new
        first Indian carrier to fly the MAX, which  737 MAX. The improved economics
        delivers a double-digit improvement in  and efficiency as well as the passen-
        fuel efficiency. “The new 737 MAX is a  ger pleasing features of the MAX will
        critical element to our future growth  enable us to strengthen our position
        strategy and we are proud to become  as India’s premier airline.” This delivery   hilippine Airlines (PAL) has taken
        the  first  airline  in  India  to  introduce  marks the first of 150 737 MAX air- Pdelivery of its first A321neo aircraft
        this brand-new airplane to our cus-  planes that Jet Airways has on order  in Hamburg, Germany. The new aircraft
        tomers,” said Naresh Goyal, Chairman  with Boeing.                     is the first of 21 A321neo aircraft under
        of Jet Airways. “The 737 has been the                                  order as part of its fleet renewal pro-
                                                                               gramme. Powered by Pratt and Whitney
        JAPAN AIR                           the end of this year. The carrier and   Pure Power engines, the new aircraft
                                            ATR have previously signed firm con-
        COMMUTER                            tracts for nine ATR 42-600s. JAC, a   has a two-class layout with 12 Business
                                                                               Class seats and 154 Economy Class
        CONVERTS ATR                        regional subsidiary of Japan Airlines   seats in the main cabin. PAL will deploy
                                            (JAL), introduced its first ATR 42-600
                                                                               the A321neo aircraft across the Asia-
        ORDER                               early in 2017 and today operates four   Pacific region, including Australia and
                                            aircraft. The converted ATR 72-600 will
                                                                               India.  The A321neo joins PAL’s existing
           apan Air Commuter Co. Ltd. (JAC)   be configured with 70 seats, adding   Airbus fleet which currently includes 25
        Jhas converted an existing order for   seat capacity to the overall offer of   A320ceo Family aircraft, 15 widebody
        an ATR 42-600 into an ATR 72-600.   the airline. ATRs with their ability to   A330s  and  five  A340s.  The  carrier
        The aircraft when delivered will be the   operate from small airfields and short   will also take delivery of its first of six
        first ATR72 in Japan. The delivery of   runways, are perfectly suited for the   A350-900 widebody aircraft on order
        the ATR 72-600 is expected before   many islands that Japan has.       later this year.

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