Page 25 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2018 Online Magazine
P. 25
period. “However, the cost advantages enjoyed by Asian MRO
suppliers will gradually, continue to erode due to shortages of
skilled labour and wage inflation. Average labour hours per
heavy maintenance check are declining, which means the labour
savings from developing regions are becoming less important.
Also, skilled labour shortages in Asia have driven up labour
rates to the point that U.S. labour rates are now comparable to
those in Asia,” the MRFR analysis says. The North-American
region is also expected to dominate the aircraft airframe MRO
market which can be attributed to the presence of the major
players in the market such as AAR Corp. and Aviation Technical
Services along with the prominent/emerging companies such
as Aeroman, Mexicana MRO, and Flightstar.
Focus on Efficiency, Productivity
ircraft airframe MRO is a complex process as it entails
repair and upgrade of the wide body and narrow body posite and metal matrix materials dominant
aircraft. Airframe MRO facilities are required to under- in the newest-generation aircraft, such as
Atake tasks, which include corrosion prevention, control the 787 and A350. The newer technology
programs, and structure reinforcement among others. The air- includes much more sophisticated avionics
craft airframe consists of some crucial flight control systems and systems that can interface with health
that are important for the aircraft operations such as take-off monitoring systems, designed to recognize
and landing, by providing high pitch and roll. Therefore, it is very pending system or component failures.
important for the aircraft operators to ensure high efficiency or Adding Capacity
productivity of these systems. MROs are already expanding facilities to
increase capacity and opening new opera-
The key players of the global aircraft airframe MRO market tions centres. Adding and improving facilities
are Air France KLM Engineering & Maintenance (France), ST is not a silver bullet; better use of process
Engineering’s Aerospace Sector (Singapore), HAECO (Hong analysis and production methodology to
Kong), AAR Corp. (U.S.), Lufthansa Technik AG (Germany), reduce errors, rework, turn times, and to
GAMECO (China), Turkish Technic Inc. (Turkey), Evergreen expedite material or repair delivery will
Aviation Technologies (EGAT) (Taiwan), Aviation Technical increase capacity and competitiveness.
Services (U.S.), and Sabena Technics (France). These MRO Increasing capacity, capability, and effi-
providers have equipped themselves to handle the new com- ciency can be combined with partnerships
ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE September/October 2018 | 25