Page 34 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2018 Online Magazine
P. 34

                                                                               From the start, we set out to make a
                                                                               product that was simple to use and
                                                                               consistent with airlines’ operational
                                                                               constraints. Our system is designed
                                                                               to require minimal training and pro-
                                                                               vide inspectors the ability to acquire
                                                                               and analyze the health of their aircraft
                                                                               as quickly as possible to get it back
                                                                               in the air.

                                                                               What are the advantages of
                                                                               using the drone?  How much
                                                                               of time and money does it
                                                             Q&A               The  main  advantages  of  a  drone

                                                                               inspection solution are threefold:
                                                                               decreasing the amount of resources
                                                                               (both personnel and equipment) to
                                                                               access upper surfaces of an air-
                                                                               craft), drastically improving inspection
                                                                               speeds and increasing overall trace-
                                                                               ability of inspection processes by
                                                                               consistently acquiring, storing and
        MAGIC IN THE AIR                                                       analyzing inspection data and images.
                                                                               Our inspection system inspects an
                                                                               aircraft in under an hour representing
        Josselin Bequet, Donecle CEO and Co-Founder                            an average tenfold gain compared to
                                                                               the time required with current inspec-
                                                                               tion methods. Monetary savings vary
                n aircraft-inspection drone  inside maintenance hangars during   across operators, depending on the
                system that inspects aircraft  routine maintenance checks – cur-  aircraft they operate, how they con-
                at least ten times faster  rent operators use them mostly for   duct their maintenance (internally or
        Athan current inspection  C-checks or overnight inspections.           outsourced), their business model
         methods has caught the attention                                      (legacy or LCC), etc.
         of airlines and MROs around the    What are some of the unique
         world. Donecle’s fully automated air-  features of the drone? What    Can the drone be used to
         craft-inspection drone system, which   is the technology at use       inspect both commercial
         has been developed in partnership   here?                             and military aircraft? Does
         with Air France Industries–KLM                                        it work equally well on both
         Engineering & Maintenance, detects   Donecle’s drone is fully automated   narrowbody and wide body
         defects on the aircraft skin in real   and can navigate around an aircraft   aircraft?
         time. “Our current product offering   without input from a human pilot. We
         is  focused  on  Airbus/Boeing  nar-  have developed a laser positioning   The underlying technology enables
         rowbodies but we are progressively   technology which enables our UAV   inspections of a wide variety of air-
         adding capability for new aircraft   to automate its flight and accurately   craft, although the majority of our
         types,”  Josselin  Bequet,  Donecle   reposition on the aircraft all the data   current clients are commercial oper-
         CEO and Co-Founder, tells Arun     (images) it acquires.              ators.
         Sivasankaran in an interview.
                                            The majority of the system’s appeal   We have several ongoing military proj-
         What is the primary use of         lies in the accompanying image     ects working on a variety of aircraft
         Donecle’s drone?  Where            analysis software which enables    types. Basic inspection needs are the
         are the inspections done?          inspectors to rapidly produce damage   same, but operational constraints are
                                            reports. We have developed multiple   very different from commercial opera-
         The current system is primarily des-  computer vision tools and algorithms   tors and our work with the military is
         tined for general visual inspections  that analyze all the images acquired   driving technical developments that
         of aircraft external surfaces. These  by the UAV to look for defects, mark-  will in return be applicable to com-
         inspections are typically conducted  ings, assess paint quality, etc.  mercial aircraft.

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