Page 35 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2018 Online Magazine
P. 35

Until now, we have mostly concen- What is the level of interest        region. There is also a sharp rise in
        trated on integrating narrowbody  that the company has seen            Asian low-cost carriers, with strong
        aircraft since they represent the  for the product?                    incentives to reduce downtime and
        bulk of the world aircraft fleet. Our                                  maintenance costs, which is precisely
        current product offering is focused  Consistently high, particularly over  what we offer.
        on Airbus/Boeing narrowbodies but  the  last  6  months.  Some  players
        we are progressively adding capa-   are already well into adopting new  Do you think there will come
        bility for new aircraft types. We have  technologies and are known as early  a time when inspection
        conducted tests on both Airbus and  adopters. The majority of airlines and  drones will replace human
        Boeing widebodies over the last 2  MROs contacting us now have heard  inspectors?
        years, but we still have some work to  of the technology as being used by
        reach the same level of maturity as  some of those industry leaders, and  No, we believe drones or other
        on narrowbodies.                    also want to board the train. Most  automated  inspection  equipment
                                            of these realize that they must inno-  are decision-aiding tools which
        What makes your product             vate and change the way they work  complement human inspectors. We
        stand out in the market?            to stay ahead of their peers in what  essentially remove the tedious, dan-
                                            is an increasingly competitive market.  gerous and lengthy component of the
        Donecle’s  solution  offers  an  inte-                                 inspection process to enable human
        grated package combining a robust  Inspection of aircraft by           inspectors to focus on areas where
        UAV platform, automated navigation  drones is fast becoming            they add value. Similarly, our image
        capabilities, image analysis algo- popular in the industry.            analysis  software  provides  strong
        rithms and the ability to aggregate  How long will it take for it to   indications on what we think the
        all that data on our secure cloud  become standard industry            drone has found on the aircraft, but
        platform. We have not seen any other  practice?                        in the short term, a human inspector’s
        solutions out there providing that                                     experience is invaluable to confirm
        level of end-to-end integration.    There is a clear demand from main-  the software output.
        More  specifically,  our  system  was  tenance hangars for new tools to
        built from the ground up for aircraft  inspect aircraft faster, more efficiently  What is the secret to suc-
        inspections, with a different mindset  and  more  reliably.  However,  deci- cess in an increasingly
        from companies which are trying to  sion-making processes are slower in  crowded market?
        combine off-the-shelf hardware and  adopting new technology and only
        software.                           the opinion leaders are willing to take  We do not see the market as being
                                            risks and move away from the estab-  extremely crowded as far as our
        We  designed  our  own  UAV  plat-  lished  standards.  Regulations  are  solution is concerned. There are a
        form considering stringent safety  also lagging behind in some regions  couple of other players trying similar
        requirements  associated  with  and do not encourage implementa-       things with UAVs but none which offer
        flying in a demanding environment,   tion of groundbreaking technologies.  an integrated package. What makes
        around a multimillion dollar aircraft.                                 our system valuable is not neces-
        In particular, we have included hard-  Do you have customers           sarily the UAV in itself but being able
        ware redundancy feature, software   spread out around the              to provide a solution that goes from
        fail-safes and obstacle detection   globe? Has the product gen-        acquiring images to analyzing them
        capabilities.                       erated interest in Asia and        while increasing the repeatability and
                                            North America?                     traceability  of  the  entire  process.
        Most off-the-shelf drones are either                                   Technology is continuously evolving
        remotely piloted or semi-automated   Yes,  our  current  customers  are   and one of our commitments is to
        using GPS, which is unusable in a   essentially in Europe and North    keep innovating to save ahead of the
        closed maintenance hangar. Similarly,   America, with further deployments   competition. We devote a significant
        drone automation technologies       planned in those regions over the   portion of our resources to R&D and
        revolving around beacons, indoor    coming months. We have received    developing new products and tech to
        GPS or requiring some form of cal-  and continue to receive a lot of   address new applications.
        ibration before each inspection are   interest from around the world, with
        operationally impractical. We devel-  particular highlights for South-East
        oped our laser positioning technology   Asia, Japan, and South America. We
        to ensure full automation (no UAV   firmly  believe  in  Asia  as  a  growth
        pilot), indoor/outdoor capabilities, a   driver for us – looking at delivery
        high-level of precision, and generally   backlogs with the major aircraft man-
        the ability to work out-of-the-box,   ufacturers, there are going to be a
        with no calibration of any kind.    lot of new aircraft to inspect in the

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