Page 37 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2018 Online Magazine
P. 37

array of MRO solutions dedicated to the new powerplant from  aware of the importance of the work to be
        CFM International. This is the logical extension of an ambi-   carried out during the first months of revenue
        tious engines product development strategy on new generation  service -mostly on-wing or line maintenance
        engines. After the GEnx and Trent XWB, AFI KLM E&M has  operations that are crucial for guarantee-
        decided to offer capabilities for LEAP - the successor to the  ing an airline’s operational continuity, should
        “best-selling” engines in the CFM56 family, developed by CFM  some teething issues occur. In this respect,
        International to power new-generation narrowbody’s. In October  AFI KLM E&M has extended expertise and
        2017, the engine maker granted a license to AFI KLM E&M,  know-how, with several hundred on wing/
        giving it the official stamp as supplier of MRO services for the  on site operations carried out each year for
        LEAP engine.                                                   its parent fleets or on behalf of third-party
                                                                       client airlines. Its vast international line main-
        The service offer developed covers on wing/on site services  tenance network in particular guarantees a
        and shop visits for the LEAP-1A and -1B versions of the engine,  presence wherever its clients require.
        which respectively equip the Airbus A320neo and the Boeing       In  addition  to  that  extensive  first-hand
        737 MAX. Thanks to its experience as an airline/MRO, skilled  experience, AFI KLM E&M is expanding its
        in both technical and operational matters, AFI KLM E&M is well  ability to innovate in order to develop new,

                                                                       high value-added engine support solutions.
                                                                       Airlines operating the LEAP engine will benefit
                                                                       from the “PROGNOS for Engine” monitoring
                                                                       and alert system. Already available for other
                                                                       new-generation power plants, this exclu-
                                                                       sive solution developed as part of the AFI
                                                                       KLM E&M’s innovation platform “The MRO
                                                                       Lab”, makes use of engine operation data
                                                                       to track performance in real time and pre-
                                                                       dict weaknesses and failures. Ideally suited
                                                                       to a state-of-the-art engine like the LEAP,
                                                                       this technology, based on Big Data, delivers
                                                                       significantly lower maintenance costs at the
                                                                       same time as it maximizes on-wing engine

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