Page 17 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2019 Online Magazine
P. 17



                                                                   for a Pie

                                                                                      SOUTH EAST ASIAN
                                                                       NATIONS ARE TRYING TO DRAW
                                                                        AIRCRAFT-RELATED BUSINESS
                                                                      FROM OVERSEAS, RESULTING IN
                                                                            FIERCE COMPETITION WITH
                                                                                  RIVALS IN THE REGION

                                                                                                 Jay Menon

        For decades, the commercial aircraft maintenance, repair and  U-Tapao International Airport (UTIA). The new
        overhaul (MRO) market in Southeast Asia has been controlled  MRO centre will be one of the most modern
        by leading players in Singapore, the regional aviation hub. These  and extensive in the Asia-Pacific region, offer-
        Singaporean companies have been providing maintenance ser-     ing heavy maintenance and line services for all
        vices for airlines both in and outside the region. But they are now  widebody aircraft types.  The facility will fea-
        facing more competition from service providers in countries such  ture the latest digital technologies to analyse
        as Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. With the Asia-Pacific region  aircraft maintenance data, as well as advanced
        set to be the fastest-growing market for commercial aviation over  inspection techniques, including the use of
        the next 20 years, countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia  drones to monitor aircraft airframes.
        and Vietnam are seeking to strengthen its aviation infrastructure,
        and particularly its MRO segment.                              The MRO complex will also have specialised
                                                                       repair shops, including for composite struc-
        “THAI AND AIRBUS HAVE UNDERTAKEN                               tures, as well as a maintenance training centre
        EXTENSIVE STUDIES TO VALIDATE THE BUSINESS                     offering extensive courses for technical per-
        PLAN FOR THIS EXCITING PROJECT. TOGETHER                       sonnel  from  Thailand  and  overseas.  “THAI
                                                                       and Airbus have undertaken extensive studies
        WE WILL DEVELOP ONE OF THE MOST ADVANCED                       to validate the business plan for this exciting
        AND EFFICIENT AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE CENTERS’                    project,”  said  Usanee  Sangsingkeo,  Acting
        ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. WE ARE CONFIDENT                        President,  THAI.  “Together  we  will  develop
        THAT THIS VENTURE WILL BRING SIGNIFICANT                       one of the most advanced and efficient aircraft
                                                                       maintenance centers’ anywhere in the world.
        ECONOMIC BENEFIT FOR THAI AND WILL BE A                        We are confident that this venture will bring
        MAJOR DRIVER IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE                         significant economic benefit for THAI and will
        WIDER AEROSPACE SECTOR IN THAILAND”                            be a major driver in the development of the
        Usanee Sangsingkeo, Acting President, THAI.                    wider aerospace sector in Thailand.”
                                                                       THAI and Airbus have been allocated a 32-ha
        Important Step                                                 plot within an 80-ha MRO centre, with initial
        A major step towards this took place last June, when Thai Airways  operations to begin by 2022. The MRO facility
        International (THAI) and European aerospace giant Airbus signed  at U-tapao is part of the military government’s
        an agreement to proceed with a joint venture MRO facility at

         ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                        January/February 2019 | 17
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