Page 32 - AAA JULY - SEPTEMBER 2019 Online Magazine
P. 32

forecasting reports such as component health projections, create
                                                     current system and assembly health analysis, or project the health
                                                     analysis 20 years out to evaluate future obsolescence. “The system
                                                     receives and processes automated product change, product dis-
                                                     continuation, and counterfeit notification alerts directly from the
                                                     parts manufacturers, as well as from Government Industry Data
                                                     Exchange Program (GIDEP) notices to inform users of upcoming
                                                     obsolescence issues,” he informs.

                                                     Benefits of Planning Ahead
                                                     Oliver Wyman says timing maintenance procedures to match main-
                                                     tenance needs is improving rapidly, thanks to Big Data analytics,
                                                     while smarter equipment is able to provide operators with real-
                                                     time condition information. By reducing time-consuming routine
                                                     maintenance, for example, experts estimate that Airbus’s and
        at Tinker Air Force Base, Okla., last year had   Boeing’s predictive maintenance systems in the aviation space
        announced a US$8.1 million contract option to   could increase fleet availability by up to 35 per cent.
        BAE Systems Technology Solution & Services
        segment in Rockville, Md., for support to the   Need a Digital Mindset
        Air Force Diminishing Manufacturing Sources   Predictive maintenance, no matter how sophisticated, won’t identify
        and Material Shortages (DMSMS) programme.    every potential failure. Parts will still break, and additional repairs will
        The  Air  Force  DMSMS  program  provides    be discovered in the course of scheduled maintenance and inspec-
        program management of an obsolescence-pre-   tion, and repairs will be required.  But IoT data, combined with an
        diction system called the Advanced Component   MRO’s own repair and maintenance records, will provide additional
        Obsolescence Management (AVCOM) tool,        information the MRO’s team can use to fine-tune the deployment of
        as well as provide analysis and resolution for   material and resources for maximum effect. The value of predictive
        end-of-life programmes. The DMSMS program    maintenance is already well recognised by the biggest players in
        seeks to mitigate the effect of obsolescence   the industry. For instance, Airbus’s Aircraft Maintenance Analysis
        on Air Force weapon systems from acquisi-    (Airman), used by 106 customers, constantly monitors health and
        tion through disposal. The programme’s goal   transmits faults or warning messages to ground control, providing
        is to help the Air Force manage component    rapid access to maintenance documents and troubleshooting steps
        obsolescence in Air Force weapon systems     prioritised by likelihood of success. Meanwhile, Boeing’s Airplane
        and groups such as the 448th Supply Chain    Health Management (AHM) is used on 2000 aircraft for 53 cus-
        Management Wing; F-16 jet fighter, B-2, B-1 and   tomers. Experts estimate such approaches can increase aircraft
        B-52 jet bombers; E-3 Sentry airborne warning   availability by up to 35 per cent. However, unlocking the secrets of
        and control system (AWACS); KC-135 airborne   big data in commercial aviation is still to be tackled.
        refueling aircraft; and the C-5 Galaxy cargo jet.
                                                     “In commercial aviation, there’s huge potential for using data to
        As per the contract, BAE Systems will provide   enable everything from predictive analytics to greater inventory
        additional data loads and maintain previous   optimisation and better monitoring of health of equipment in real-
        data  loads  of  the  enterprise-wide  DMSMS   time. But so far there has been little in the way of answers for its
        predictive tool. This work involves analysing   key uses, or more importantly, the means of identifying which data
        program bills of material, system status, and life   is useful, and which is not. By providing key data around asset
        cycle procurement efforts. According to a BAE   failures, this can then be integrated into logistics systems to help
        spokesman, the tool enables users to load and   inform and improve future designs, in order to optimise usage and
        maintain unlimited levels of component data   lower the total life cycle cost,” comments Zilvinas Sadauskas, the
        and how those components interact with each   CEO of, an aviation IT company primarily acting as an
        other, based on technical orders, drawings, flat   aircraft parts locator. Going by a survey by Curtiss-Wright, multiple
        files, and other source documents. During the   operators expect to save US$5000 per aircraft per year with a
        loading of source documents, the AVCOM pre-  mature predictive maintenance programme in place.
        dictive tool identifies discrepancies and routes   “The most important prerequisite for a successful transition
        them back to the managing authority for offi-  from a reactive to a predictive approach is a “digital mindset”. This
        cial corrections. Identifying and correcting   includes, among other things, a flexible, agile and service-conscious
        source documentation helps ensure a correct   organization in which the customer challenges are known and in
        configuration in parts databases. “Once users   focus. In fact, this is a business transformation that focuses on end
        load electronic and non-electronic component   user needs. If this succeeds, companies will change from pure tech-
        types into the system, experts can evaluate   nology users and data collectors to service-oriented value-adding
        aircraft and other weapon systems for current   partners and will be successful in the long term,” says Stefan Issing
        part status and analysis. Users can generate   Global Industry Director, Automotive at IFS.

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