Page 34 - AAA JULY - SEPTEMBER 2019 Online Magazine
P. 34

In July, the DGCA instructed both IndiGo and
        Go Air, that all new A320/321 neo inductions
        after August 2019 must be installed with mod-
        ified MGB and new modified 3rd stage LPT
        blades. In addition to this, the aviation agency
        has asked that no engines from MROs shall
        be accepted unless they have been fitted with
        modified MGBs and new modified 3rd stage
        LPT blades (except those which are at final
        stages in shop or in transit). Finally the agency
        has put a restriction on acceptance of lease
        engines without modified LPT and MGB.

        Pratt & Whitney has been directed by the DGCA
        to increase the availability of spare engines
        to Indian operators to prevent grounding of   Steps Implemented by India’s Directorate General
        aircraft due to removal of engines. “It is true   of Civil Aviation (DGCA) for early detection of
        that there have been cases of Air Turn Back, In   associated problems and removal of engines to
        Flight Shut down or Engine vibrations beyond    prevent impending PW1100G-JM engine failure:
        the prescribed limits, but with strong mitiga-
        tion measures in place and strict adherence
        to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) by    •  Reduced  periodicity  of  boroscopic  inspection  (BSI)  on
        the airlines, the problem is being contained.   Combustion chambers from 1500/750 /375/150 Hrs/ 30 Cycles
        Whenever, there is a problem with the engine,   to 1000/500 /375 Hrs and replacement of engine when recom-
                                                      mendation of the manufacturer for further operation of the engine
        the aircraft is being grounded and the engine   below 375 hours.
        replaced,” the DGCA says.
                                                      • Replacing the engine, whenever cases of metallic chips in oil
        While issues related to Combustion Chamber    due to wear of No.3 Bearing Seal is detected under Oil Debris
        Distress, No.3 Bearing Seal failures and High   Monitoring (ODM) mechanism.
        Pressure Compressor (HPC) Rear Knife Edge
        seal failures have been addressed by Pratt    • Logging all the cases detecting odours/ smoke in cabin during
                                                      peration for necessary investigation and rectification. In all odour
        & Whitney through mitigation measures, the    / smoke cases, engine inspected in detail and to be used only
        DGCA says that the engine maker is in the pro-  after rectification of the defect.
        cess of implementing mitigation actions with
        regards  to  Gear  Box  failure,  Low  Pressure   • Record, monitor and inspect engines if Vibration > 3CU (man-
        Turbine (LPT) failure and engine vibration. The   ufacturer’s guideline of 5CU). Conduct BSI in repeat cases. This
        aviation agency also states that issues related   may result in removal of engines before vibration level is aggra-
        to MGB, LPT and vibration are being addressed   vated.
        by Pratt & Whitney by undertaking the  required
        modifications on related parts.               • Restricting operation of A320neo aircraft with P&W engines on
                                                      Port Blair Sector.
        With regards to Gear Box failure, the DGCA    • Extended Diversion Time Operation (EDTO) for Airbus Neo
        states that Pratt & Whitney is tackling these   aircraft has not been allowed by DGCA even though the In- Flight
        issues in two stages - Immediate and Long-    shut downrates of aircraft engine combination is well below
        Term.  With  regards  to  the  former,  Pratt  &   acceptable limit.
        Whitney has implemented a new software
        update (FCS 5.0). This software update has  Issues related to Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) failure are being
        been completed on all the aircraft operated by  addressed with the incorporation of new and more durable LPT
        Indian operators.                            stage 3 blades. These new blades are now being fitted on new
           The FCS 5.0 software update will signifi-  production engines and retrofitted on older engines, during MRO
        cantly reduce the potential for gear fracture  during shop visit. have received. A total of 47 engines (IndiGo-40,
        by minimizing the time spent at excitation  Go Air-7) have already been fitted with new LPT blades.  A rede-
        speeds. To mitigate long term issues related  signed piston seal in HPC will also be implemented to deal with
        to Gear Box failure, Pratt & Whitney has devel-  issues related to high transient vibration.
        oped a more  robust gear design to circumvent
        excitation. This design is being incorporated  With engine failure related to MGB expected to be contained after
        at MROs from July 2019 and 20 engines with  the recent software updates, the DGCA says that, engine failures
        modified gears have already been received by  related to LPT blade damage are being addressed by providing
        Indigo (14) and Go Air (6).                  new LPT 3rd Stage blades.

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