Page 31 - AAA JULY - SEPTEMBER 2019 Online Magazine
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confident that we will play a major role in the industry and it won’t  and its Big Data skills, AFI KLM E&M has also
        be all OEM dominated,” says Stoevesand.                        developed a predictive analysis program used
                                                                       to replace a fuel system component before it
        Tip to Tail Approach                                           fails. “The predictive maintenance program has
        Lufthansa Technik is not alone in tapping the opportunities for  been trialed since last July on the fuel circuits
        predictive maintenance. With PROGNOS, AFI KLM E&M aims to  of the Group’s 10 A380s and has now con-
        provide technology solutions in a shift towards predictive mainte-  firmed its reliability. The predictive detection
        nance models, for the benefit of airlines’ operational performance.  rate stands at 70 per cent,” says a delighted
        As part of its MRO Lab innovation programme, AFI KLM E&M is  Kornberg. “In the space of three months, four
        implementing PROGNOS, a range of solutions based on exploiting  pumps and switches have been replaced using
        the data from aircraft systems with a view to improving mainte-  this new system in predictive mode and also in
        nance models and processes. AFI KLM E&M capitalises on the vast  corrective mode, which makes us more effec-
        amount of data generated by Air France and KLM fleets to develop  tive when carrying out repairs.” AFI KLM E&M is
        its PROGNOS solutions, and verify their operational relevance and  currently looking into the possibility of extend-
        performance before sharing such innovations with its customers.  ing the use of this type of program to other
        PROGNOS Engine Health Monitoring (EHM) is being designed to  A380 systems and even to other fleets, such
        carry out statistical analyses of engine data to enable dynamic  as 787s and A350s.
        monitoring and predict failures using an early warning system, for
        the fleets of Air France and KLM as well as client airlines, says  AAR, another leading aviation aftermarket ser-
        James Kornberg,  Director Engineering & Maintenance Innovation  vice provider for the world’s airlines is deploying
        at AFI KLM E&M.                                                its proprietary predictive-maintenance soft-
                                                                       ware to ensure the right parts are in the right
        “PROGNOS EHM is part of a series of projects and initiatives  place at the right time. Using cutting-edge ana-
        focused on Big Data that have already led to operational solutions  lytics, AAR anticipates repair needs to minimise
        such as PROGNOS A380, the early warning and failure monitoring  unscheduled events and aircraft-on-ground-
        software used for the A380’s systems, which extends the solution  time, crucial to carriers’ success. Recently, AAR
        to bigger data volumes,” he says. Solutions based on the same  has been selected by an American regional
        approach are currently under development to support a range of  carrier CommutAir to provide ongoing sup-
        other critical aircraft systems and components, including on the  port services for its newly inducted ERJ 145
        787, he adds. A key advantage of AFI KLM E&M’s approach to Big  aircraft. AAR will provide full cost per flight
        Data and predictive maintenance is that it stems from the real  hour (CpFH) services for rotable components
        operational needs and challenges of Air France KLM group airlines.  including inventory management, logistics,
        “Having full access to aircraft-generated data, and robust technical  overhaul and repair. In addition, AAR will also
        expertise of aircraft systems and sub-systems due to its MRO/  provide wheel, tire and brake maintenance and
        airline profile, endows AFI KLM E&M with genuine legitimacy to  inventory services for the new fleet under a full
        develop this type of solutions. Working closely with data scientists  cost per landing structure (CpL). CommutAir,
        and data engineers, we can test and validate the predictive main-  which operates on behalf of United Airlines as
        tenance solutions we are developing,” says Kornberg. Leveraging  United Express, recently announced plans to
        its in-depth knowledge of A380 systems, its ability to innovate  triple the size of its fleet with the induction of
                                                                       40 Embraer 145 jet aircraft over the next two
                                                                       years. “CommutAir recognized AAR has the
                                                                       bandwidth, expertise and experience to sup-
                                                                       port its fleet maintenance and growth strategy,”
                                                                       says Ken Hein, Vice President of Operations at
                                                                       AAR Corp. “This is the latest example of AAR’s
                                                                       unique ability to provide tip-to-tail support of
                                                                       new and legacy fleets. We are excited to grow
                                                                       our longstanding partnership.”

                                                                       Field-Proven Benefits
                                                                       Successfully introducing predictive mainte-
                                                                       nance  requires  finding  innovative  solutions
                                                                       to all the challenges. Data analysts at BAE
                                                                       Systems are enhancing a predictive mainte-
                                                                       nance computer programme to enable U.S. Air
                                                                       Force experts to anticipate when obsolescence
                                                                       will affect aircraft components, and then plan
                                                                       for alternative sourcing or system redesign.
                                                                       Officials of the Air Force Sustainment Centre

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