Page 10 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2019 Online Magazine
P. 10

A Different Approach
        Several  start-ups  are  also  racing  to  get
        next-generation supersonic prototypes in the
        air to bring back commercial travel by super-
        sonic airliner. Colorado based Boom Supersonic
        is building a radically faster commercial aircraft.
        Boom Supersonic recently closed a US$100
        million Series B investment round, bringing total
        funding to over US$141 million. The proceeds of
        Boom’s Series B round, which include US$56
        million in new investment as well as previous-
        ly-announced strategic investments, allow the
        company to advance the development of its
        Mach-2.2 commercial airliner called Overture.

        The  Boom  Supersonic  is  a  sleek  55  seat
        jet with delta wings reminiscent of early
        Concorde designs. “This new funding allows
        us to advance work on Overture, the world’s
        first economically viable supersonic airliner,”
        said Blake Scholl, founder and CEO of Boom
        Supersonic. “At Boom, our vision is to remove
        the barriers to experiencing the planet. Today,
        the time and cost of long-distance travel pre-
        vent us from connecting with far-off people and
        places. Overture fares will be similar to today’s
        business class— widening horizons for tens of
        millions of travellers. Ultimately, our goal is to
        make high-speed flight affordable to all.”

        The company claims that Overture will be
        the most community and environmental-
        ly-friendly supersonic jet ever made.  “Thanks
        to advanced aerodynamics and engines, the
        carbon footprint will be similar to flying interna-
        tional business class today. Moreover, Overture
        is being designed to accommodate next-gen-
        eration sustainable alternative fuels. At landing
        and take-off, Overture will be as quiet as the
        subsonic aircraft flying similar routes today,”
        Scholl said.

         Boom is currently assembling XB-1, a ⅓-scale
        manned prototype of its Mach-2.2 airliner. XB-1
        will be piloted by Chief Test Pilot Bill “Doc”
        Shoemaker and is set to fly later this year.  “As  Centennial in Colorado. Selection efforts are ongoing for the man-
        history’s first independently developed super-  ufacturing site for Overture, which will begin passenger service in
        sonic jet and the fastest civil aircraft ever built,  the mid-2020s.  The Virgin Group and Japan Airlines are among
        XB-1 will demonstrate in flight the key technolo-  five carriers so intrigued by the idea that they’ve lined up to buy
        gies for mainstream supersonic flight: efficient  Boom’s airplanes, should they make it to production. It’s already
        aerodynamics, advanced composite materials,  attracted 76 pre-orders and a US$10 million investment by Japan

        and an efficient propulsion system,” he said.  Airlines. Through this  strategic partnership  JAL will provide its
        Boom is growing quickly as it ramps up devel-  knowledge and experience as an airline to support Boom in devel-
        opment. Currently, the company has a full-time  oping the aircraft. JAL also has the option to purchase up to 20
        team of more than 100 and anticipates doubling  Boom aircraft through a pre-order arrangement.
        this year.
           To accommodate the assembly of XB-1  Ambitious Quest
        and development of Overture, Boom recently  NASA and a team led by Lockheed Martin are also making advances
        relocated to a large, state-of-the-art facility in  that bring the goal of quiet supersonic commercial travel over land

        10 | May/June 2019                                                         WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ AAA
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