Page 8 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2019 Online Magazine
P. 8

According to the FAA, defective slat tracks will not lead to a crash,  Economic Impact
        but can cause damage to an aircraft while in flight.           Not every airline is willing to give the aircraft
                                                                       another chance. Within two weeks of the
        According to Boeing, about twenty 737 Max and twenty-one 737  second crash, Indonesian airline Garuda said
        NG aircraft may have defective slat tracks, but the company and  that it would cancel its US$4.9 billion order for
        the FAA are leaving nothing to chance. While the company has sent  50 Max 737s.  The operator has received one
        out a service bulletin, the regulatory authority has asked airlines  jet from its 2014 order and does not intend to
        to check an additional 179 Max planes and 133 NGs to determine  take delivery of the other 49. Another airline
        if their parts are also faulty.                                to decide against the 737s is Azerbaijan airline
                                                                       AZAL, which has canceled, “due to safety rea-
        The Road Ahead                                                 sons, a US $1 billion contract with the American
        Max 737 operators, who have had to cancel thousands of flights  plane maker to purchase 10 737 MAX jets.
        since the aircraft was grounded, are aware that passengers would  Icelandair has announced that it would be ter-
        hesitate to fly on a 737 Max plane even when it is certified safe to fly  minating 45 of its 737 MAX pilots.
        and reintroduced into service. According to a recent survey, about
        41 per cent of Americans say the plane will need to safely return  As it to be expected, new orders for the 737
        to service for at least six months before they consider flying on it.  Max have been few and far between. According
                                                                       to Boeing, only 10 of the planes were ordered
        US operators, including United Airlines which has 14 of the Boeing  in the first two months of 2019, and none in
        737 Max 9s in its fleet, are prepared to wait before getting the  March or April. In the first quarter of 2018, the
        plane back in the air. “We will be incredibly communicative to all our  company had received orders for 112 aircraft.
        customers and very transparent when that aircraft comes back,”  China’s biggest airlines, which according to
        says United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz Munoz.                    China Air Transport Association stands to
                                                                       lose 4 billion yuan (US$579.41 million) if the
        “THE FIRST AND FOREMOST OBJECTIVE IS TO                        grounding of the aircraft lasts until the end of
        NOT ASSUME EVERYONE WILL WANT TO FLY OR                        June, have sought compensation from Boeing
        ASSUME EVERYONE WILL GET OVER IT.  WE WILL                     for the disruption caused by the grounding.
                                                                       Air China, China Southern Airlines and China
        WAIT UNTIL EVERYONE AGREES THE MAX IS SAFE                     Eastern Airlines together operate 53 of the 96
        TO BRING BACK. WE’RE GOING TO DO THIS IN A                     Max planes in China. China Eastern Airlines,
        SAFE MANNER.”                                                  which has 14 737 MAX aircraft, has also
                                                                       delayed deliveries of future planes. Norwegian
                                                                       Air is also hoping to reach an agreement with
        The biggest 737 Max customer in the US, Southwest Airlines, has
        grounded all 34 of its aircraft and removed the jet from its schedule   Boeing on compensation for the grounded
        until August. 5.  Company chairman and CEO Gary Kelly says that   planes. Indonesia’s Lion Air Group is expected
        the airline has no plans to abandon the 737 Max and would, in fact,   to incur losses of around US$20 million due to
        purchase “hundreds” more.                                      the grounding.

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