Page 22 - AAA OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2019 Online Magazine
P. 22

According  to  industry  experts,  establishing
        inventories has been a very serious problem.
        With thousands of components for each type
        of aircraft, any MRO which wants to be a global
        player must be able to cater to at least 50 per-
        cent of the normal requirements of an aircraft.
        AIESL is believed to be capable of meeting only
        25 percent of the business requirements as
        of now. That means putting up money for the
        components, the test bays, the software and
        the licences. According to estimates, AIESL will
        require around $250 million to upgrade itself
        as a world class MRO.
        AIESL meanwhile, has firmed up plans to open
        a MRO unit in Muscat, Oman, from where it
        expects to generate labour revenue of at least
        US$500,000 per annum. The Muscat MRO will
        be a part of AIESL’s overseas expansion plan
        under which it first opened an international
        branch in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE).  Positive Steps Needed
        “Based on the experience and backed by cost  Former president and managing director of Airbus Pierre de Bausset
        benefit analysis, the opportunity to expand to  says, “development of MRO units in India is not happening at a pace
        other international stations will also be explored.  as it should. I haven’t seen local investors invest full-fledgedly in
        At present, the report for Abu Dhabi, Ras Al  MROs. If it hadn’t been on taxes and royalty at some airports, which
        Khaimah, Muscat has been prepared to start  have made it uneconomical for MROs in India, we wouldn’t see so
        AIESL line maintenance operations and achieve  many airplanes fly abroad for MRO services.” Two main airports of
        profitability,” the company official informs.  Delhi and Mumbai charge rents which are 50-100 percent higher
                                                     than that charged at equivalent facilities in Europe and Turkey.
        Arun  Kashyap,  executive  vice  president
        and head of Engineering & Maintenance for  “The Airport Authority of India (AAI) should allow MRO work to
        SpiceJet, which was one of the first private  happen at its airports across the country. Although this is permitted
        airlines to get the AIESL services says,     at their airports, detailed rules and regulations make it practically
                                                     impossible. The space needs to be made available at reasonable
        “We  request  companies  offering  MRO  ser-  rents and procedures simplified for MRO work to be carried out,”
        vice to set up a facility in India. We need more  says an industry official, who didn’t want to be named. He also
        volume. The ‘Make in India’ program should  argues that rents at the two main airports of Delhi and Mumbai
        look at attracting work from South East Asia  need to be rationalised.
        and the Middle East, as India, with its growing
        aircraft fleet size, strategic location advantage,  High Charges
        rich pool of engineering expertise, and lower  The two main airports also impose about 20 percent royalty charge
        labour costs has huge potential to be a global  on maintenance work at the airports. And the demand by the
        MRO hub.” So why has the MRO in India failed  MRO industry to the government to slash these rates was sternly
        to take off despite a new government policy to  objected by these operators. The MRO industry also has urged the
        give a push to the sector.                   Indian government for a reduction in the tax burden on the sector,

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