Page 26 - AAA OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2019 Online Magazine
P. 26



        AS DENTCHECK, ITS DENT MAPPING TOOL, IS                        Some of the leading commercial operators,
        APPROVED FOR USE BY MORE CUSTOMERS                             cargo and defense MROs that currently use the
                                                                       tool are easyJet, Delta TechOps, Aeromexico,
          Arun Sivasankaran                                            Portugália Airlines, and DHL-Express. Among
                                                                       those that are considering the adoption of the
        It has been a good year for 8tree, the company that makes den-  tool in their maintenance operations is Allegiant
        tCHECK, a handheld-portable, completely wireless 3D scanner    Air, which conducted a study that spanned four
        tool that drastically reduces damage-mapping and reporting times.  aircraft and almost a hundred damage loca-
        In  October,  Lufthansa  Technik  announced  that  it  was  using   tions. The study revealed time savings of 87
        DentCHECK across all of its global base maintenance facilities.   percent. Enthused by the results, Allegiant is
        The leading MRO provider is the latest in the list of MROs and oper-  exploring the implementation of dentCHECK
        ators that have adopted the tool that has the capability to reduce   across its maintenance operations.
        dent-mapping and reporting times by as much as 90 percent com-   “Pre-owned aircraft comprise a majority of
        pared to traditional manual methods that use depth-gauges and   Allegiant’s fleet, and thus, mapping pre-existing
        straight-edges.                                                damage is a critical part of our aircraft induction
                                                                       process,” said Jack Fraser, Managing Director,
                                                                       Technical Support & Compliance, Allegiant Air,
        “AFTER TESTING SEVERAL DENT-MAPPING                            at the 62nd annual A4A NDT Forum in Long
        TECHNOLOGIES IN OUR INNOVATION BAY                             Beach, California, in September. “dentCHECK
        AT LUFTHANSA TECHNIK MALTA, WE WERE                            significantly reduced the time it took us to mea-
        CONVINCED BY 8TREE’S DENTCHECK BECAUSE OF                      sure and report damage, while also delivering
                                                                       improved accuracy and consistency of mea-
        ITS USER-FRIENDLINESS AND PERFORMANCE,” says                   surement. We saw a drop from 92 minutes per
        Cathal O’Loughlin, Head of Tooling & Equipment at Lufthansa    damage location using traditional measurement
        Technik Base Maintenance Services.                             methods, to only 12 minutes with dentCHECK.”
        PROCESS, DENTCHECK INCREASES EFFICIENCY                        New Customers
        AND FREES CAPACITY OF OUR SKILLED STRUCTURE                    “We decided on dentCHECK because of
        MECHANICS.”                                                    the great efficiency gains it can deliver to a
                                                                       busy MRO operation such as ours,” says Ralf
                                                                       Noether, director maintenance of European Air
                                                                       Transport Leipzig, a division of DHL Express.
                                                                       “The one-button operation and instant ‘go/
                                                                       no-go’ answers empower our technicians
                                                                       to  confidently  make  decisions  on-the-spot,
                                                                       thereby improving aircraft turn-around-time.”
                                                                         Another happy customer is SR Technics,
                                                                       which will use the tool to enhance its main-
                                                                       tenance operations in Switzerland and Malta.
                                                                       “The  main  reason  we  have  selected  dent-
                                                                       CHECK is because we were confident that this
                                                                       innovative solution has proven to be a great
                                                                       benefit to our maintenance operation allowing
                                                                       us to send accurate dent assessment reports

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