Page 24 - AAA OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2019 Online Magazine
P. 24


        In Robust Health


          Arun Sivasankaran

        The civil aviation flight training and simulation market witnessed
        healthy growth in 2019, spurred by operators scrambling to pro-
        duce quality pilots and the need for cost-cutting in pilot training.
        Major players consolidated their position, with some exploring
        new markets.
           With technological advancements in the field of flight simulators
        making synthetic training more realistic than ever before and pro-
        viding real life-like experience to pilots, industry experts predict
        the demand for such devices to increase in the future.  With the
        market primed for sustained growth, it is not a coincidence that the
        industry has seen a sharp increase in the money being invested in
        research and development, with companies vying with each other
        to introduce new products and garner deals.
           According to a forecast by Grand View Research (GVR), an U.S.  According to industry experts, the growth of
        based market research and consulting company, the global flight  the flight simulators market will be strongest in
        simulators market will reach US$5.62 billion by 2024, spurred by  the Asia Pacific region, followed by the Middle
        an increase in air traffic and the need for trained pilots. There are  East and Africa.
        currently about 1,400 devices that simulate commercial airliners
        in use around the world, an increase of about 80 from 2018. More  Maintaining its Lead
        than one third of the synthetic training devices are in North America,  Montreal-based CAE, which had a near-mo-
        with simulators of Boeing aircraft types accounting for 45% of all  nopoly control of airline FFS for more than a
        such equipment in the world. According to GVR, FFS products,  decade and accounted for more than 40%
        which accounted for over 85 percent of the total revenue in 2015, is  of the global market in 2015, still remains the
        expected to grow at a CAGR of over 4% until 2024. Manufacturing  market leader among Level D FFS simulator
        costs as well as operation and maintenance costs of flight simula-  manufacturers.  The  company  has  provided
        tors continue to be on the high side, but the many advantages of  more  than  fifty  percent  of  the  commercial
        such devices – it saves fuel, extends the life of aircraft and engines,  simulators currently in service and also has a
        and allows training in conditions such as severe thunderstorms  healthy 15 percent share of training operations
        and system failures  - will ensure  enough activity to keep all the  in different parts of the world.
        major players busy for the foreseeable future, industry experts say.  In  March  this  year,  CAE  completed  a
        Although North America currently has the largest market share  US$645  million  purchase  of  Bombardier’s
        of flight simulators, it may not hold on to the position for long.  Business Aviation Training arm, thus adding
        Companies are targeting the Asia Pacific region as well as other  12 FFS, in Dallas and Montreal, to its train-
        growing markets such as Latin America and the Middle East.  ing network. The company currently has 29

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