Page 4 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2022 Online Magazine
P. 4

inside                                                      22                                                                 31   st                    EDITOR’S NOTE

                                                                            SMALLER, BUT

                                                                            A PUNCH
                              C O V ER S T OR Y / AIR C ARGO                STILL PACKING                                               CREDIT                          Wings Level
                      BUSINESS A V IA TION / AIRCRAF T                                                                                                                  International air travel has been slow to recover but the impressive
                             REPOR T / E V T OL / C OL UMN                  The Singapore Airshow is                                                                    return of domestic air travel is a relief for global airframers that had
                                                SHO W INSIGHT               expected to further speed up                                                                to contend with an unprecedented halt to the global airline industry
                                                                            the aviation industry’s recovery                                   Editor                   during the COVID-19 pandemic. A positive outcome of the
                                                                                                                                         Vittorio Rossi Prudente
                                                                            from the pandemic                                     pandemic has been that the aviation industry has accelerated its
                                                                                                                                                                        efforts to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2050. Companies are
                                                                                                                                                                        already exploring the various aircraft configurations and propulsion
                                                                                                                                            Deputy Editor
                                                                  06        23                                                            options for a futuristic commercial aircraft. Suffice to say, it won’t
                                                                                                                                              Jay Menon
                                                                                                                                                                        look anything like the jetliners and regional turboprops that we are
                                                 NET ZERO                   SIGNS OF A                                                    Technology Editor             used to seeing today.
                                                                                                                                             Atul Chandra
                                       The aviation industry is taking      NEW DAWN                                                   We are now in an era of rapid technological change. One sector
                                       tangible steps to meet its goal      Post-COVID, the aviation indus-                                Managing Editor              where this is emerging to the fore is the case of eVTOLs that aim to
                                            of reaching net zero CO2        try is in recovery mode, spurred                               Arun Sivasankaran            provide a sustainable urban transport alternative. While electric
                                                                                                                                                                        vehicles have already entered the mainstream, the eVTOL industry
                                                   emissions by 2050        mainly by the impressive gains                        is likely to truly come of age only by the end of the decade. Expect
                                                                            made by cargo, domestic travel,                                Geoffrey Thomas              the battle for supremacy in the urban air mobility arena to heat up
                                                                  10        and business aviation. Head-                                     Art Director
                                               ISLAND OF                    winds, however, remain                                    The biennial Singapore airshow will provide an insight into the plans
                                                                                                                                           Miamica Khonglah
                                                                                                                                                                        of Asian carriers for the future. It will also indicate the level of
                                                 STABILITY                  27                                                              Web Director                interest in the region for Boeing’s 737 MAX single-aisle jetliner,
                                                                                                                                                                        which has now returned to the skies. While Boeing needs a big win
                                                                                                                                            Elmer Valencia
                                        There has been an increased         NEW WINGS                                                in the region to inject some wind into its sails, Airbus already has a
                                                                                                                                                                        winner in its A321XLR, which is slated to enter service next year
                                   demand for passenger-to-freight-                                                                      Circulation Manager            and will likely be very popular with airlines in the region. The GBP
                                                       er conversions       The eVTOL industry is advanc-                                 Akshay Satyamurthy            Aerospace & Defence team will be reporting on-site from the
                                                                            ing at a rapid pace                                  Singapore airshow. Log on to for all the latest
                                                                  15                                                                                                    from the Singapore airshow.

                                   BUSINESS MORE                            32                                                                                          Editor

                                          THAN USUAL                        COLUMN                                                    Advertising Contacts:             Asian Airlines & Aerospace
                                           Business booms as private                                                                      Europe & Americas
                                             jets become aviable and        34                                                          and all other countries:
                                             attractive option during       CARRY ON                                                   Global Communications sas
                                                        the pandemic                                                                      Tel: +39 049 723548
                                                                  19        Demand for conversion of                                         Visionworks
                                            SOLVING AN                      passenger aircraft-to-freighter                   
                                                                            on the rise
                                                                                                                                        India + South East Asia
                                                 OUTSIZED                                                                                Mob: +919980080246             Global Business Press Pte.Ltd.
                                                                                                                                          Akshay Satyamurthy
                                                                                                                                                                        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE
                                            CHALLENGE                                                                            30 Cecil Street,
                                                                                                                                                                        #19-08 Prudential Tower, Singapore 049712
                                       Airbus”launches a new service                                                                                                    Tel: +65 6850 5269 | Fax: +65 6438 2436
                                    with its”BelugaST”fleet”to address                                                                                                   Email: | Web:
                                      the growing demand for trans-
                                               porting outsized cargo                                                          ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE is a bi-monthly publication for professionals working in all sectors of the airline, airport and related industries. Opinions
                                                                                                                               expressed by contributors in ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE do not necessarily represent those of the publisher or editor. This publication may not be
                                                                                                                               reproduced or transmitted in any form in whole or in part without the written express consent of the publishers.

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