Page 6 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2022 Online Magazine
P. 6


                                                       Net Zero

         THE AVIATION INDUSTRY IS TAKING TANGIBLE                      alignment with the Destination 2050 roadmap.
         ZERO CO2 EMISSIONS BY 2050                                    “WE CALL FOR THE COMMITMENTS
                                                                       TAKEN BY THE EUROPEAN
                                                                       UNION TO BE ADOPTED
           Atul Chandra                                                GLOBALLY TO ACCELERATE THE
                                                                       DECARBONISATION OF OUR
        The aviation industry is making rapid strides in its quest to achieve  INDUSTRY. IN THE MEANTIME,
        net zero CO2 emissions by 2050. The technological challenges   WE URGE THE EUROPEAN UNION
        associated with attaining this goal are being addressed by increased   TO IMPLEMENT MECHANISMS TO
        research on disruptive aeronautical technologies related to air-
        craft and engines along with increasing production of Sustainable  ENSURE A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD
        Aviation Fuels (SAF) and enhancing production capacities of syn- AND TO AVOID ANY CARBON
        thetic fuel. While electric and hybrid propulsion powerplants will   LEAKAGE LINKED TO DISTORTION
        power smaller commercial aircraft seating between 4-16 passen-  OF COMPETITION AMONG
        gers before the end of the decade, SAF remains the only viable
        alternative to decarbonising long-haul aviation. By 2050, air travel  STAKEHOLDERS WITHIN THE
        will carry 10 billion passengers annually (as compared to 4.5 billion  GLOBAL AVIATION ECOSYSTEM,” an
        people in 2019) and generate nearly $9 trillion in economic activity.  Airbus release said.

        Industry Pathway                                               The five European aviation leaders are investing
        Airbus, Air France-KLM, ATR, Dassault Aviation, Groupe ADP,  in the maturation, development and imple-
        Safran and Thales are signatories to the landmark ‘Declaration of  mentation of decarbonisation technologies
        Toulouse’ inked in February, which commits the European aviation  - notably operations, next-generation aircraft
        industry to achieve the decarbonisation of the sector by 2050 in  and engines, Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF)

         6 January/February 2022                                                   WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ AAA
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