Page 30 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2022 Online Magazine
P. 30

mission to enhance passenger wellbeing in
         © Pexco Aerospace                                             the cabin. A win-win all around.
                                                                       Delivering for Passengers

                                                                       By preventing unwanted odours from enter-
                                                                       ing passengers’ personal space, AirShield
                                                                       enhances the infight experience by offering a
                                                                       ‘virtual distance’ in the cabin where a physical
                                                                       one is impossible. While it reshapes air flow
                                                                       from the gaspers, AirShield does not alter the
                                                                       cabin’s temperature or the volume of air sup-
                                                                       plied beyond that of a traditional air vent. The
                                                                       technology is even 50 percent quieter than
                                                                       standard gaspers, helping create a relaxing
        Engineering Expertise                                          ambience onboard. An independent passen-
                                                                       ger survey of leisure travellers in the US has
        Retrofitted over the existing passenger air gaspers situated above   showcased the growing demand for interior
        every seat, AirShield works in harmony with the existing HEPA   innovations like AirShield:
        filtration system to create protective air barriers between and
        around every passenger in the cabin, restricting unwanted germs   •91 percent agreed that AirShield makes
        and odours from entering their personal space.                 them feel like an airline is taking care of them.

        AirShield has been scientifically proven to reduce shared air   •89 percent would feel more comfortable
        between passengers by a minimum of 76 percent (in a full econ-  flying with AirShield post-pandemic.
        omy cabin with no facemasks) and increase the speed at which   •86 percent of respondents also stated
        contaminated particles are expelled from the cabin and replaced   they would choose to fly with an airline with
        by freshly purified air by 230 percent.                        AirShield installed over one without.
        These air barriers drastically minimise the sharing of exhaled   •71 percent would also pay more for a ticket
        air and ensure that every passenger onboard only breathes the   if an airline equipped its planes with AirShield.
        purified air meant for them. Droplets from every breath, sneeze,
        and cough are captured, contained, and sent down to the HEPA
        filters before they reach other passengers or flight crew – some-  Time to Take Off
        thing of extreme importance given the proximity of people in a   Since the inception of the idea in 2020, we
        narrowbody cabin.                                              have invested in more than 8,000 subject

                                                                       matter expert person-hours, generated more
        Helping Hygiene                                                than 60 million data points of CFD, created
        Each AirShield is engineered to be highly durable and able to   more than 30 prototypes for more than 100
                                                                       lab tests, and completed 22 on-wing tests in
        withstand abuse and manual interference while also being       the aircraft of four major airlines.
        streamlined enough not to obstruct passengers’ line of sight to
        emergency signage and lighting in the cabin. The technology    During  that  time,  flight  schedules  have
        does not impact smoke evacuation of the existing HEPA filtration   bounced back, and things would appear to
        system. As each AirShield unit is not located in the ‘head strike’   be back to normal in some parts of the world
        zone, there is no need for airlines looking to benefit from the   – but they are not. The pandemic has funda-
        technology to recertify their seats.                           mentally changed the way that people feel
                                                                       about public spaces. In the absence of the
        AirShield is also extremely lightweight (weighing less than a   visual safety cues in the cabin that we saw
        pound) and designed to be simple to manufacture and quick to   throughout the pandemic (like facemasks
        install on an aircraft. Its unique design consists of a three-piece   and empty middle seats), the industry must
        clip-together assembly, installation takes less than a minute, and   now deliver effective, perceptible, and lasting
        an entire aircraft can be retrofitted during standard overnight   changes that respond to the evolved needs of
        maintenance.                                                   the post-pandemic traveller.

        As an additional layer of hygiene protection, our team at Pexco   That is why we are so excited about AirShield
        also developed an antimicrobial additive from which to manu-   – it is all those things. And we believe it will set
        facture each AirShield unit. This additive destroys 99.99 percent   new standards and expectations for passen-
        of bacteria (even antibiotic-resistant strains such as MRSA, VRE,   ger wellbeing in the cabin and help take the
        and CRE) upon contact – supporting airlines and OEMs on their   inflight experience to even greater heights.

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