Page 28 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2022 Online Magazine
P. 28
Collins Aerospace, a unit of Raytheon Technologies, Corp is grow-
ing its India operations as part of the latter’s investment and
growth strategy in India. The first step in this endeavour was
the inauguration in December of Collins Aerospace’s new Global
Engineering and Technology Center (GETC) and the Collins India
Operations Center in Bengaluru in the Indian state of Karnataka.
The new sites were officially inaugurated by Steve Timm, presi-
dent of Collins Aerospace.
“We’ve been committed to the aerospace industry in India for
25 years now, directly advancing key innovations, R&D and
STEM opportunities in the local market for the long term,” said
Timm. The new sites are part of a long-term growth strategy for
Raytheon Technologies in India and globally to maximize col-
laboration and innovation providing cutting edge solutions for
customers and provide additional STEM-based opportunities in to further expand its footprint on the 3-acre
the country. The new engineering and global operations centers land next year with new capabilities. Pratt &
in India will accelerate innovations in R&D and manufacturing. Whitney’s United Technologies Corporation
India Pvt Ltd. (UTCIPL) contract engineering
“At Collins, we are on course for planned investments of over services is also planned to open in early 2023
US$200 million in engineering and manufacturing capabilities in the same location.
and hiring an additional 2,000 highly skilled employees in the
Indian aerospace and defense sector over the next 5 years. India Kevin Myers, vice president and head of
is strategic to the global growth and investment strategy of all Enterprise Operations at Collins Aerospace
Raytheon Technologies’ businesses, and the advanced infrastruc- said “The new Collins India Operations Center
ture and talent pool will help drive the country’s contributions as located at KIADB Aerospace Park spans
a global leader in aerospace and defence,” Timm added. 26 acres across the Hitech Defense and
Aerospace Park and will help Collins bring
The new sites will allow Collins Aerospace to expand its engi- operational synergy and economies of scale,
neering, digital technology, and manufacturing operations in as well as support future growth opportuni-
India. “The opening of these new facilities in Bengaluru shows ties and customer requirements. We will host
our continued commitment in India, expanding our capabilities some 1,700 employees at the new site once it
and accelerating transformative technologies for a safer, more is fully completed in 2026.”
connected and sustainable world,” said Dr. Mauro Atalla, senior
vice president, Engineering & Technology for Collins Aerospace. The GETC has been certified with the United
“The GETC India organization supports Collins’ six strategic busi- States Green Building Council (USGBC)
ness units and is crucial to the continued success of our global Platinum Rating with solar power capabili-
businesses.” ties, zero water discharge facilities and other
features, while the Collins India Operations
The GETC is a 413,000 square-foot facility and will house approx- Center is Industry 4.0 compliant, and its
imately 3,000 engineers from three other Collins Aerospace Building Management System (BMS) is a con-
locations in Bengaluru. Another 600 personnel from other nected ecosystem which helps monitor and
Raytheon Technologies’ group of companies will also be moving control air, water, temperature, and humid-
into the GETC. The employees at GETC will facilitate collabora- ity at critical process points to help maintain
tion across the company’s businesses. Collins Aerospace plans product quality with quick issue resolution.