Page 17 - AAA March / April 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 17

Aero Engine

               FUTURE EFFICIENCY

                                                                       10,000 engines still in the backlog. The LEAP
        Aero engine manufacturers race to
                                                                       engine has also set industry standards for fuel
        prove the technologies needed for                              efficiency and asset utilization, with in-service
        next-generation powerplants                                    engines having accumulated over 29 million
         Atul Chandra                                                 engine flight hours and over 13 million cycles
                                                                       in commercial operation. As compared to pre-
             he successful development of next-generation commercial   vious generation engines, the installed LEAP
             aircraft engines are one of the most important aspects in   engine fleet is delivering  up to 20 percent
        T the aviation industry’s quest to attain net zero emissions   lower fuel consumption and CO2 emissions,
        from air transport by 2050. Engine manufacturers are already   in addition to a significant improvement in
        well advanced in their efforts to develop new technologies and   noise.  Since its entry into service in 2016, the
        processes that will pave the way for a series of revolutionary   LEAP engine has enabled customers to save
        powerplants  that could enter service beginning in the mid-2030s.   more than 20 million tons of CO2 compared
                                                                       to previous generation engines.
        The advanced engine architectures being considered such as
        open fan, hybrid electric propulsion systems, and new compact   CFM’s  Revolutionary  Innovation  for
        engine core designs are nothing like the powerplants that we are   Sustainable  Engines  (RISE)  demonstrator
        so familiar with today. Engine manufacturers have largely driven   engine  programme,  provides  one  of  the
        dramatic fuel-efficiency improvements on modern jetliners. As   clearest indicators of future commercial aero
        compared to commercial turbofan engines in service in the early   engine technology. GE Aviation and Safran,
        1980s, new-generation aero engines which entered service in the   the JV partners in CFM International the tech-
        latter half of the last decade, have reduced fuel consumption and   nology development programme in June 2021,
        CO2 emissions by 40 per cent. The new-generation powerplants   targeting more than 20 percent lower fuel
        entering service in the next-decade are expected to deliver addi-  consumption and CO2 emissions as compared
        tional fuel-efficiency improvements to the tune of 20 per cent.   to today’s engines. Such a next generation
                                                                       aero engine would bring an advanced suite
                                                                       of revolutionary technologies to market that
        CFM International                                              will take the next generation of single-aisle
                                                                       aircraft to a new level of fuel efficiency and
        CFM International (CFM) has hit a home run with the LEAP engine,   reduced emissions. A demonstrator engine is
        which entered service in 2016 and over the course of produc-   scheduled to begin testing at GE and Safran
        tion, will likely overtake the CFM56, as the best-selling aircraft  facilities around the middle of this decade,
        engine of all time. CFM has already delivered over 5,000 LEAP  with flight tests slated to begin in the latter
        engines delivered to customers worldwide and has more than  half of the decade.

        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                          MARCH - APRIL 2023 | 17
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