Page 21 - AAA March / April 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 21
Airport Services
more with less. As we emerge from the pan-
demic, our customers’ focus remains on safely
managing the end-to-end transport of pas-
sengers’ baggage, but now they must also
reduce the total cost and training required.
There is significant pressure to increase
operational efficiency, which is accelerating
Hence, tracking bags have been drawing atten-
tion over the past years and several airlines
and their partners have been collaborating
on the implementation of the International
Air Transport Association’s (IATA) Resolution
753. Effective starting June 2018 and imple-
mented by all IATA’s members, the resolution
facilitates the tracking of each bag during its
whole journey – from loading the bag into the
aircraft to the arrivals and transfers check-
LOST AND FOUND points, the tracking information will be shared
with all participating partners.
Airlines explore ways to reduce mis- New Initatives
handled baggage costs and improve With the successful delivery of bags being a
top contributor to the passenger experience,
passenger experience it is critical to respond efficiently, keeping
Jay Menon passengers informed and in control when
things go wrong. Lufthansa recently joined
ikhil Luthra, an information technology (IT) executive, hands with SITA to explore ways to reduce
landed in Hong Kong wearing his long shorts, an untucked mishandled baggage costs and improve the
N shirt and open-toe sandals for his week-long official passenger experience by digitally automating
engagements. Little did he know how much it would cost him to baggage re-flight operations.
attend office the next few days as his luggage disappeared after According to SITA, its WorldTracer Auto
he had checked it in for the flight to Hong Kong International Reflight solution saves time by reflighting
Airport from New Delhi. Two years have passed, Luthra still talks misplaced bags digitally. SITA’s auto reflight
about his two lost Zegna suits and his pair of Hermès loafers, solution proactively notifies passengers on
since the airline confirmed that his luggage has been perma- arrival of any delay with their bag, while col-
nently lost. lecting delivery details and ultimately allowing
From media reports and social media posts around the world in the passenger to bypass the baggage hall.
recent months, Luthra’s case is far from unique. The solution automatically suggests suit-
able flight routing for rush bags (baggage
Lost in Transit not accompanying a passenger). It uses the
The global mishandled baggage rate spiked by 24 per cent to original bag tag to reflight and informs the
baggage system of the new bag routing.
4.35 bags per 1,000 passengers in 2021 as the travel industry “Time is saved, and paper consumption is
started showing signs of recovery from the pandemic, accord- reduced, because there is no need to issue
ing to the SITA Baggage IT Insights 2022. Mishandled baggage additional rush tags,” a SITA official said.
between two flight connections is also a major pain point for the SITA estimates that widespread automation
industry, costing it billions of dollars each year. of reflighting baggage could save the industry
Airlines, ground handlers, and airports have downsized to main- US$30 million a year in costs associated with
tain viability during the pandemic, which has impacted resources mishandled baggage.
and expertise dedicated to baggage management. Aviation lost Viktoria Rudo, Senior Manager, Lufthansa
around 2.3 million jobs during COVID, while recording US$2.2 Group, said: “At Lufthansa, we have always
billion in the cost of mishandled baggage in 2022 – including looked at ways to optimize baggage man-
over 4 million bags mishandled during transfer. agement processes and improve the
David Lavorel, CEO, SITA, said: “The industry now needs to do passenger journey. We see great potential