Page 6 - AAA January / February 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 6

where aviation has zero climate impact. We
        created Cascade on a foundation of credible
        data and analytical models to allow users
        to explore various pathways to net-zero. We
        think this model will help our industry visual-
        ize, for the first time, the real climate impact
        of each solution, from beginning to end, and
        to inform the most probable and effective

        The Cascade model assesses the full lifecycle
        impacts of renewable energy by accounting
        for the emissions required to produce, distrib-
        ute and use alternative energy carriers such
        as hydrogen, electricity, and SAF. Boeing plans
        to utilize the incredibly powerful Cascade tool
        with airline operators, industry partners, and
        policymakers to inform when, where, and how  pathways and aerodynamic configurations in order to support
        different fuel sources intersect with new air-  the Company’s ambition of leading the way in the decarbonisa-
        plane designs.                               tion of the entire aviation industry.

        “We have to take a holistic view to decar-   At the launch, Airbus CEO Guillaume Faury said: “This is a historic
        bonization,” said Raymond. “And when we  moment for the commercial aviation sector as a whole and we
        do that, it is clear that sustainable aviation  intend to play a leading role in the most important transition
        fuel (SAF) is a necessary lever. We know it will  this industry has ever seen. The concepts we unveil today offer
        take a ‘SAF and’ approach and not a ‘SAF or’  the world a glimpse of our ambition to drive a bold vision for the
        approach to achieving net-zero by 2050.”     future of zero-emission flight.”

                                                     “I strongly believe that the use of hydrogen – both in synthetic
        Early Start                                  fuels and as a primary power source for commercial aircraft – has
        Since the mid-2000s, Boeing has conducted  the potential to significantly reduce aviation’s climate impact.”
        six hydrogen technology demonstrations with   Proposed Concepts for Hydrogen Powered Commercial
        crewed and uncrewed aircraft using hydro-
        gen fuel cells and combustion engines. Last   Aircraft:
        year, Boeing successfully tested a cryotank   • A turbofan design (120-200 passengers) with a range of
        designed for space with the capacity to hold   2,000+ nautical miles, capable of operating trans-conti-
        16,000 gallons of liquid hydrogen or the      nentally and powered by a modified gas-turbine engine
        energy equivalent of the Jet A fuel in a typi-
        cal regional jet.                             running on hydrogen. The liquid hydrogen will be stored
                                                      and distributed via tanks located behind the rear pres-
        And Boeing intends to share its Cascade work   sure bulkhead.
        with Brian Yutko, Boeing chief engineer and
        vice president of Sustainability and Future   •A turboprop design (up to 100 passengers) using a tur-
        Mobility, saying “our common goal is to       boprop engine instead of a turbofan and also powered
        enable the societal benefits of air transpor-  by hydrogen combustion in modified gas-turbine engines,
        tation while reaching zero climate impact on   which would be capable of travelling more than 1,000
        our planet. To make that a reality, we believe   nautical miles, making it a perfect option for short-haul
        it  is  best  to  learn  and  share  our  findings   trips.
        broadly, based on a foundation of data, sci-
        entific research and collaboration, as we work   •A “blended-wing body” design (up to 200 passengers)
        together to decarbonize aviation.”            concept in which the wings merge with the main body
        In October 2020, Airbus shocked the aviation   of the aircraft with a range similar to that of the turbo-
        world unveiling three radical hydrogen pow-   fan concept. The exceptionally wide fuselage opens up
        ered aircraft and is pouring resources into   multiple options for hydrogen storage and distribution,
        getting one or more designs into service by   and for cabin layout.
        2035.                                        “These concepts will help us explore and mature the design and
        Each hydrogen-powered design represents  layout of the world’s first climate-neutral, zero-emission commer-
        a different approach to achieving zero-emis-  cial aircraft, which we aim to put into service by 2035,” said Faury.
        sion  flight,  exploring  various  technology
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