Page 8 - AAA January / February 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 8

net-zero carbon emissions.

        “For the direct combustion approach, hydro-
        gen  is  injected  and  ignited  in  a  modified
        turbofan’s combustor to generate thrust – a
        process which is identical to that in tradi-
        tional jet engines. With hydrogen replacing
        kerosene, the direct combustion products
        are water vapour (H2O) + energy, plus some
        trace gases. The upside is that CO2 and the
        majority of soot emissions are eliminated,”
        said Llewellyn.

        NOx of the Matter
        The  challenge  however  is  to  significantly   hydrogen combustion by-products to increase the certainty of
        reduce NOx and persistent contrails and to   these predictions.
        this end, Airbus is working with its technology
        partners to eliminate this potential climate
        impact of hydrogen combustion.               Final Effect

        On water vapour, IATA says “although the     But the critical question is what will be the  overall impact
        radiative  forcing  (difference  between  the   on reducing emissions to zero by 2050? In a white paper,
        energy absorbed through the Earth’s atmo-    Performance Analysis of Evolutionary Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft
        sphere compared to the energy that is        by Jayant Mukhopadhaya, Ph.D. and Dan Rutherford, Ph.D. for
        reflected back into space) is lower than that   the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), it was
        of CO2, it still contributes towards global   found that overall LH2-powered aircraft entering service in 2035
        warming. Hydrogen combustion would pro-      could contribute
        duce about 2.6 times more water vapor than   to aviation’s 2050 climate goals but with performance penalties
        kerosene fuel.”                              relative to fossil-fuel aircraft.
        IATA quotes a study entitled “Contrails in   The authors said: “Compared to fossil-fuel aircraft, LH2-powered
        a comprehensive global climate model:        aircraft will be heavier, with an increased maximum take-off mass
        Parameterization and radiative forc-         (MTOM), and less efficient, with a higher energy requirement per
        ing results” by Michael Ponater, Susanne     revenue-passenger-kilometre (MJ/RPK). They will also have a
        Marquart, Robert Sausen, which found that    shorter range than fossil-fuel aircraft.”
        “the positive effects of a zero-CO2 combus-
        tion, would offset the drawback of increased  Nevertheless, they added “we estimate that evolutionary LH2-
        water vapor exhaust. Moreover, CO2 has a  powered narrow-body aircraft could transport 165 passengers up
        lifetime in the atmosphere of up to 100 years,  to 3,400 km and LH2-powered turboprop aircraft could transport
        while that of water vapor can go from a few  70 passengers up to 1,400 km. Together, they could service about
        days up to 1 year. Regarding condensation  one-third (31 to 38 per cent) of all passenger aviation traffic,
        trails, due to the absence in solid particles at  as measured by revenue passenger kilometres. This represents
        the exhaust of the engine when burning hydro-  57 per cent to 71 percent of all RPKs serviced by narrow-body
        gen, ice crystals have no-where to nucleate,  aircraft and 89 per cent to 97 per cent of all RPKs serviced by
        so the number of water crystals formed at the  turboprops.”
        exhaust would decrease. Nevertheless, due to
        the increased amount of water vapor exhaust,   The white paper found that under the most optimistic fuel and
        the crystals that do nucleate, would have a   fleet turnover assumptions, evolutionary LH2-powered aircraft
        larger size. The overall effect is expected to   could cap, but not absolutely reduce, passenger aviation CO2
        decrease the radiative forcing effect of con-  compared to 2035 levels. It said that this would require all
        trails. The end result, according to the study   replaceable missions in 2050 to be serviced by LH2-powered
        would mean that the radiative forcing from   aircraft using green hydrogen and would result in mitigation of
        aviation could be 20 to 30 per cent lower by   628 Mt-CO2e in 2050, representing 31 per cent of passenger
        2050 and 50 to 60 per cent by 2100 if LH2    aviation’s CO2e emissions.
        aircraft were introduced.”                   However, it warned that modelling suggests that “a 20 per cent

        However, it warns that the effects of cirrus-in-  to 40 per cent adoption rate is realistically achievable
        duced clouds will need careful analysis, and   and would mitigate 126 to 251 Mt-CO2e in 2050, representing 6
        more research into the radiative forcing of   per cent to 12 per cent of passenger aviation’s CO2e emissions.”

        8 | JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2023                                                        WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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