Page 21 - AAA JULY / SEPTEMBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 21
The Asia Pacific
Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) producers and carriers
in the Asia Pacific region have to step up their game
if aviation is to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050
By Arun Sivasankaran
he good news first. The ever-increasing number flight, and, in the future, hydrogen-powered aircraft,
of sustainability initiatives being launched by avi- will help it inch closer to its 2050 target, but aviation
T ation industry players across regions suggests an will fall short if its efforts are not centered around the
industry with its eye firmly fixed on the goal of reaching widespread production and use of SAF.
net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
According to the International Air Transport Association
Now, the not so good - Asia Pacific, which is expected to (IATA), SAF has the potential to contribute around 65
drive the biggest growth in global passenger numbers in per cent of the reduction in emissions needed by avia-
the near-to-medium term, is substantially behind other tion to reach net-zero in 2050. For that to happen, SAF
regions in production and use of sustainable aviation production and adoption in the Asia Pacific region, from
fuel (SAF), the one large-scale option currently available where more than half the total number of new passen-
to move closer to the goal. Electric and hybrid electric gers over the next 15 years are predicted to come, need