Page 26 - AAA OCTOBER - DECEMEBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 26

Worsham landed at the right
        time. Deregulation was rapidly
        changing market dynamics with
        point-to-point giving way to hub-
        and-spoke operations, which
        demanded smaller 150 seat
        jets. Worsham responded with
        a once-only innovative rent-a-
        plane deal and secured orders
        from TWA and American for a
        total of 35 Super 80s and sold
        another 30 to Alitalia.

         A  beaming  Worsham,  who
        was  appointed  President  of
        Douglas on 15 November 1982,
        told the Los Angeles Times that
        “reports of Douglas’ death were
        exaggerated.”                         Former Douglas Aircraft President Jim Worsham at the 2004 interview.
                                                                      ©Geoffrey Thomas
         The Super 80 orders sparked
        an avalanche of business so the     and battling  Airbus’ all-new       his view Kracht was a “manufac-
        agenda at the time of interna-      A340/A330 combo.  “At MDC we        turing genius,” and Beteille was
        tional collaboration to cut risk    were starved of R&D,” Worsham       an “engineering giant.”
        fell off MDC’s radar for a short    told  the  author  in  2004.  “So,
        time. The production rate on the    we were shopping around for
        DC-9 Super 80, later renamed        at least $1 billion so we could  “
                                            a new wing which would cost
        the  MD80  to  deflect  the  bad                                        I had the idea of
        publicity relating to the DC-10,    stretch the MD11.” In October
        jumped to 2.5 a week in 1987.       of 1987, MDC even proposed a  getting MDC and
        With orders flowing plus fat mil-   stretched MD11 with the existing
        itary contracts, Worsham was        wing but with a much-reduced        Airbus into some
        able to get Douglas back into       range of just 5,000nm – well  sort of marriage,...”
        profit.                             down from the 7,920nm of the
                                            standard offering.                  he 2004.
         In late 1986, MDC launched                                             Worsham raised the issue
        a modest improvement of the          Ironically, while bleating         with Airbus’ executives at the
        DC-10 – dubbed the MD-11 –          about Airbus’ “subsidies” from      famous Conquistador Club for
        with various commitments for        European Governments in its         aircraft manufacturing chiefs at
        92 aircraft from 12 airlines but    1987 annual report, MDC was         a Wyoming ranch in 1987.
        it was a compromised design         actively  courting Airbus  for  a
        because of the decision by the      marriage of sorts to take advan-      The basis of the discussions
        MDC board not to sanction fund-     tage of its deep pockets as well    started with the MD11 utilizing
        ing for an all-new wing – a fact                                        the wing of the  A330/A340.
        that would come back to haunt       as its technology.                  Talks focused on a super-
        the company. Australia’s Qantas                                         stretched MD11 with an A330
        concurred with the opinions of       Worsham was bullish about          wing (AM300) to challenge the
        other airlines when it told the     a French connection for MDC         747, production of the A320 at
        author that it would not consider   drawing on his vast experience      Long  Beach,  new  13  and  16
        the MD11 because the wing had       with GE and Snecma. He also         frame stretches of the A320 and
        no growth potential.                had great respect for  Airbus       a new 100-seat aircraft.
                                            leaders, lauding Felix Kracht
         So in 1987, the MD11 was at        and  Roger  Beteille  as  “great      According  to  Worsham  and
        the limit of its design guarantees   visionaries.” He added that in     insiders at Airbus, agreement

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