Page 23 - AAA OCTOBER - DECEMEBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 23
of the essence. We are build- dentCheck-as-a-Service.”
ing a global network of proven customers,”
service partners. They do 8tree stands out from other says Chhabra.
the inspection with our tools. 3D scanning companies,
Over the cloud, we receive says Buck. “There is noth-
the scans and quickly create ing like dentCHECK in the
digitized reports that OEMs market. With it, you get results “The problems to the airframe
are accustomed to reviewing. instantly projected onto the are the same; maybe you
It helps the leasing companies surface. One click and you could even argue that they
as well as the hail damage get the result. With other 3D are even worse in the case of
aircraft operators reduce turn- scanning companies, you
around time significantly.” need to transfer the data to military aircraft as they go to
the laptop and then you need the battlefield. Our desire for
dentCheck-as-a-Service a highly specialized person to the longest time was to enable
is still in its infancy, says process the data. That takes the warfighter to be more
Chhabra. “We have enabled time. dentCHECK is very effective on the battlefield and
the mapping of about 10 air- application-specific; you can to get back to action quicker.
craft ranging from narrowbody, do dents, bumps, and lighting The German Air Force and the
to wide body to even business strikes. Whatever we can do, Australian Air Force are also
jets. In the course of that, we we are able to do very fast.” using dentCHECK.”
have mapped over 10,000
dents just in the dent check as The company has seen Even as it works to acceler-
a service activity. Each aircraft a marked increase in the ate growth, 8tree, which has
had about 1,000-1,500 dents. number of customers in recent offices in Los Angeles Area
What our customers and their times. “Right now, we sit at and Dallas (US), Konstanz
end customers have told us is close to five dozen custom- (Germany), and Kuala Lumpur
that that would have normally ers globally between airlines, (Malaysia), has undertaken an
taken them about two months. MROs, OEMs and Tier I sup- academic initiative aimed at
By using the dentCheck ser- pliers to OEMS. There are wooing young people into the
vice, it was done in a matter over 150 tools being used by
of days. Ten business days these players out there. Two field of aviation maintenance.
and they are informed and years ago, that number was a “We equip aviation schools
equipped to take action.” dozen or a dozen and a half
less.” with dentCHECK for them to
Chhabra foresees the ser- integrate the tool into their
vice part of the company’s academic curriculum, “says
business growing significantly. Military Customers Chhabra. “That way, the stu-
“Services will at some point Among the company’s new dents will know the kind of
become an equivalent size customers is the U.S. Air technologies they are going
business or even eclipse the Force. to encounter when they join
sale of units,” he says. “A the workforce. This hope-
major reason is that services fully attracts the youth to the
are going to be a recurring “ schools. Last year, we had
thing. The large brand names Embry–Riddle Aeronautical
that have manpower, capabil- Our proven track University as the launch
ities and internal tech teams record on the school. We have a few more
will want to buy the tool. They schools in the pipeline. The
have the operational rhythm commercial side is
and predictability to know one of the major goal is to do this globally.
when it is going to be used The academic initiative is not
and how frequently. There reasons why we something we make money
is a sizable portion of the have been able to off; it is purely us trying to
market that are small, mid-size enable a sustainable future for
MROs; they will want to use attract military the industry.”•