Page 28 - AAA January / February 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 28

use of electric ground vehicles.    which allows all documentation      in greater operational efficien-
        IndiGo has been using Eco           to be maintained in an elec-        cies, while reducing the impact
        power wash as part of its engi-     tronic format. The airline has      on the environment, IndiGo
        neering operations for more than  partnered with Ultramain ELB          leveraged its time and resources
        a decade now, which has helped  systems to introduce an E-tech          in 2023 to become leaner and
        in improving engine efficiency      logbook solution, in order to go    cleaner. It automated its ground
        and lowered CO2 emissions.          paperless.                          support equipment, reducing
                                                                                carbon emissions by almost five

        Sustainable Efficiency              Vistara has also installed smart    per cent or the equivalent of
                                            lavatories in all its A320/A321     1246 tons, considering business
        IndiGo was the first airline in the   jetliners, which have resulted in   proportionality. IndiGo has also
        region to replace paper charts      a weight reduction of approx-       implemented initiatives such
        and manuals with iPads, reduc-      imately 150 kg per aircraft.        as a modified Baggage Freight
        ing 25 kg of paper carried in the   Vistara also undertakes aircraft    Loader (BFL) for cabin loading,
        cockpit of every A320 jetliner.     exterior cleaning of all its aircraft,  battery swapping by monorail
        It has also been authorized by      once every 15 days, which also      crane, using 10-ton electrical tug
        India’s Directorate General of      contributes to reduced fuel burn.  instead of 20-ton, battery-op-
        Civil Aviation (DGCA), to remove    Vistara has also cut down on        erated BFL, battery-operated
        Technical Paper Manuals,            usage of Auxiliary Power Units      baggage water cart, portable
        weighing 40 kgs, from each          (APU) at airports, providing alter- baggage transfer belt, imple-
        Airbus cockpit in its fleet.        natives to ground equipment that  menting vehicle mounted

                                            have helped reduce CO2 emis-        transfer rollers and running trials
        Speaking to Asian Airlines          sions per aircraft per turnaround.   of electric coaches. Negi said
        & Aerospace, a company              Electric Power Tuggers or           these initiatives, implemented
        spokesperson said Vistara           E-Tugs are used for day-to-day      at Kolkata, Delhi, Hyderabad,
        was digitalizing several pro-       maintenance task logistics runs     Kochi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru
        cesses to reduce use of paper,      to minimise emissions across        airports, not only reduced man-
        thereby saving weight on the        several other operations.           hours per flight by 90 mins but
        aircraft which delivered benefits                                       also brought in cost savings of
        in reduced fuel consumption.        With the COVID-10 pandemic          over INR 150 million over the
        This has included use of EFBs       highlighting the need for bringing  course of 2022.

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