Page 29 - AAA January / February 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 29

Seat Factor

        Indian carriers are also opting
        for the latest generation of
        aircraft seats, which are lighter
        than their predecessors and
        again delivering efficiency gains.
        Airline passenger seats are a
        significant contributor to the
        overall weight of and aircraft and
        selecting lightweight seats can
        significantly reduce the carbon
        emissions of an in-flight aircraft.
        There is of course the obvious
        aspect of fuel savings. As an
        example, on an ATR 72-600,
        a weight reduction of 3 kg per
        seat represents a total of weight
        saving of over 200 kg for the
        entire aircraft. When operated
        on a 200 nm flight, it would save
        8 kg of fuel. If this aircraft was
        operated on 2,000 flights annu-
        ally it would result in fuel savings
        of 16,000 kg, with the attendant    in Economy Class and 11% in         flights to determine the feasibil-
        benefit of reducing CO2 emis-       Business Class as compared to       ity of using biofuels, to reduce
        sions per year per aircraft by 50   their predecessors. These seats     emissions. Vistara, Air India and
        tonnes.                             also have a longer life and don’t   AirAsia India are part of the Tata
        In May, this year, IndiGo           require replacement as fre-         Aviation Sustainability Working
        announced the arrival of its first   quently as their predecessors.     Group which is working together
        aircraft fitted with Recaro Aircraft                                    to reduce carbon emissions as a
        Seating’s bestselling BL3710        IndiGo selected RECARO as a         collective effort. They have also
        Economy Class seat. Unveiled        seating solution partner in 2022,   entered into a Memorandum of
        in 2019, the BL3710 features        the first time in chose to do so,   Understanding (MOU) in 2022,
        a slim design and weighs less       since the airline’s inception in    with the Council of Scientific and
        than 10kg per passenger. It         2006.  In total the BL3710 seats,   Industrial Research – Indian
        also features a small number of     will be installed on a fleet of 75   Institute of Petroleum to col-
        seat parts, reducing waste and      A321/A320neo aircraft. Each         laborate and work together on
        advancing IndiGo’s sustainable      A321 can seat 232 passen-           research, development and
        goals. Seats that require minimal  gers. Indian carriers Air India,     deployment of SAF. IndiGo has
        maintenance are a big benefit for  Go First (erstwhile GoAir), Jet      also signed a MOU with the
        sustainably focused airlines. The  Airways, Spice Jet, and Vistara      Indian Institute of Petroleum
        selection of a modular seat with    have received over 30,000 air-      (Dehradun) and is engaged with
        a predefined recline, results in a   line seats from Recaro Aircraft    Indian oil marketing compa-
        sizeable reduction in the number  Seating since 2006.                   nies, who are working on SAF
        of seat parts, reducing mainte-                                         initiatives. IndiGo’s long-term
        nance costs significantly.                                              decarbonisation plan focuses
                                            SAF Path                            on cutting fuel emissions by
                                            Both carriers are exploring         introduction of SAF. However,
        Recaro Aircraft Seating’s           greater use of Sustainable          globally, and in the Indian con-
        newest seats provide average        Aviation Fuel (SAF). Vistara        text, SAF’s availability remains a
        weight savings of at least 10%      and IndiGo have both run pilot      constraining factor.•

        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                    JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2024 | 29
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