Page 24 - AAA January / February 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 24

passengers to bring backpacks  Cities with real congestion              Wisk has no intentions of being
        and small personal devices. As  problems are great markets for  involved in other aspects of AAM
        battery technology continues        companies in the industry. We       such as Unmanned Air Traffic
        to advance, companies will          have to explain to people why       Management (UATM) and build-
        think about longer durations        this would be useful and ben-       ing of vertiports, says Tanner.
        and carrying more payload.”         eficial for the community. You      “We are focused on what we
                                            also have to demonstrate that       do best, which is building
        Wisk has global aspirations.
        “                                   cerned about safety and noise.  are going to work to certify it,
                                                                                self-flying eVTOL aircraft. We
                                            it is safe. People are also con-
                                            The great thing about eVTOLs,
                                                                                test it and manufacture it; we
        We are starting in
                                            it is being bult with the high-
                                                                                too. We do not have any inten-
        the US. That is where               this aircraft in particular, is that  expect to operate the aircraft
        are based and that is               est safely levels in mind. It is    tion to build infrastructure. It is
                                                                                important for us to partner with
                                            also significantly quieter than
        where are currently                 helicopters.”                       ither companies in the sector;
        flying our technology                                                   there is a lot of things for verti-
        demonstrator,” says                                                     port companies to consider to

        Tanner.                             Working with Regulators             meet the needs of the different
                                                                                types of aircraft that will come
                                            The company has a close part-       to market. It has become a very
                                            nership with the FAA and other      collaborative discussion.”
                                            regulators around the world,
        “That being said, there are         says Tanner. “Our aircraft will     The company’s aircraft has been
        many really interesting mar-        not get into the sky and carry      built with passengers in mind,
        kets around the globe, not only  passengers until it is certi-          but other applications have not
        throughout Europe but also          fied. We are focused on our         been ruled out. “The aircraft
        throughout Asia. We have a          certification program with the      is extremely flexible,” says
        team based in New Zealand.          FAA today. After we complete        Tanner.
        We also have some partner-          our certification process in
        ships in Australia.”                the U.S., we will absolutely be     “We can remove the interior
                                            expanding this globally.  We        and carry cargo. And that is
        Public acceptance is key to the     have already started to engage  not going to require an entirely
        success of advanced air mobil-      with other global regulators.       different aircraft design for us
        ity, says Tanner. “This is a new    We have a relationship with         to be able to deliver on cargo
        form of transportation. As in       EASA, but we currently do not       applications.”
        anything that is new, you must      have an active type certificate
        provide a lot of education.         program with the agency.”           The company has yet to
                                                                                announce a launch date for its
                                                                                6th generation aircraft.

                                                                                “We have targets in mind that
                                                                                we are working towards as a
                                                                                company. The regulator ulti-
                                                                                mately determines when they
                                                                                think we are safe and ready to
                                                                                fly passengers; we don’t drive
                                                                                those dates. We just work very
                                                                                closely and in a collaborative
                                                                                manner to get to that point. we
                                                                                are confident that it will happen
                                                                                within this decade.”•

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