Page 6 - AAA MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 6

shareholders and the country
        more broadly.” He added that
        “by reintegrating Spirit, we can
        fully align our commercial pro-
        duction systems, including our
        Safety and Quality Management
        Systems, and our workforce to
        the same priorities, incentives
        and outcomes – centered on
        safety and quality.”

        Airbus will acquire, subject to     787-production rate slowed by       requiring re-work.
        definitive agreements commer-       part shortages to just 5/month.
        cial work packages that Spirit      Bernstein said that “the prior      On the order front
        performs for Airbus concurrently    goal of 10/month by year end        Airbus appears to be in
        with the closing of the Boeing-     has been moved back to early
        Spirit merger. In addition, Spirit   2026.”                             the poll position with
        will sell off some of its opera-                                        Cebu Pacific announc-
        tions, including those in Belfast,   Airbus is not immune to the        ing its commitment
        Northern Ireland (non-Airbus        supply chain problems and last      to 150 A321neos in
        operations), Prestwick, Scotland,  month announced a reduction of
        and Subang, Malaysia.               2024 deliveries due to the wors-    the last week of June.
                                            ening supply chain challenges,      Other large orders are
        The Spirit deal can’t               which also led to push-out of 75/   rumoured from such
        come soon enough                    month A320 production to 2027.      airlines as Turkish

        with deliveries of the              Airbus now expects 770 deliv-       Airlines and Qatar
                                            eries in 2024 down from 800
        737 fuselages slowed                previously.                         Airways.
        to a trickle as Spirit
        resolves produc-                    In its report “Fallout from Airbus   With Boeing’s 777X now
        tion quality issues.                for the Industry, Bernstein said    appearing to be on track for
                                                                                certification and EIS in 2026 it
        According to New                    that “the delivery delays were      could expected that the aircraft
        York based analysts                 attributed to aerostructure part    may attract order interest at

        Bernstein the Boeing                suppliers, engine delays, and       the Farnborough International
                                            interiors” with engine short-
                                                                                Airshow particularly after
        goal is to reach a 38/              falls added to the list of issues.   Emirates massive commitment
        month rate by year                  Bernstein said that “in Q1 and      at last year’s Dubai Air Show.
        end, with the pickup                in 2023, engines appeared           Emirates ordered 55 additional
        to be primarily in H2.              reasonably on track. But, GE        Boeing 777-9s and 35 777-8s
                                            (not covered) has highlighted
                                                                                bring Emirates’ total 777X orders
        Boeing hopes to get                 supply chain issues and Pratt       to 205. Boeing 777 and 777X
        to 50/month in 2026,                & Whitney (RTX) has had chal-       backlog now stands at 539.
        although Bernstein                  lenges on the GTF.” However,
        says it is skeptical,               it says that it believes that the   Renewed interest has been
                                                                                building for the 777X with
                                            shortfalls on CFM’s LEAP (GE
        “particularly given                 and Safran) “are likely to be rela-  Ethiopian ordering eight in
        challenges Spirit had               tively small.”                      March and three other unan-
        even pre-grounding.”                By way of contrast Boeing           nounced orders for 1, 20 and 3
                                                                                placed in the past few months.
                                            expects to deliver 400 aircraft     The customers for the most
        And Boeing’s problems don’t         this year and many of those are     recent purchases may be
        end with the 737 with the           from inventories of 737 and 787s  revealed at Farnborough.

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