Page 8 - AAA MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 8

The article also pours cold         Aviation’s record in reduc-           2.This waste in 2017 produced
        water on aviation’s future devel-   ing fuel and thus emissions is        9.3bn tonnes of CO2 equiv-
        opments suggesting that the         impressive and since the jet age      alent (GtCO2e) – four times
        technology that might help the      commenced in earnest during           aviation and marine combined.
        industry meet its 2050 goal         the late 1950s the amount of          3.All the food produced but
        is “barely perceptible on the       fuel used per passenger has           never eaten would be suffi-
        horizon.” Yet new generation        declined by around 85% – an           cient to feed two billion people.
        engines are running or will do so   outstanding record by any mea-        That is more than twice the
        in the next few years - hardly on   sure, which can be seen in the        number of undernourished
        the horizon.                        graphic from Greening Wings to
                                            be released in July 2004 below.       people across the globe.
        In 2006 Joss Garman’s planestu-                                           4.If wasted food were a coun- proclaimed: “There          What is extraordi-                    try, it would be the third-largest
        won’t be any significant break-     nary about the heated                 producer of carbon dioxide in
        through in engine emissions for                                           the world, after the USA and
        at least three decades. There’s     debate is that many                   China.
        no technical fix.” Since then,      other serious polluters
        the 787 and A350 have entered       largely fly under the
        service in 2011 and 2014 and
        they burn up to 34% less fuel per   social and mainstream
        passenger than the planes they      media radar.
        replaced, while the A320neo
        family and the 737 MAX burn         Food, clothing and air condition-
        about 15% less fuel.                ers, are by any measure huge
                                            contributors to climate change.

        It is this gross                    According to the UN the Food        Now consider our love of fash-

        distortion of facts                 and Agricultural Organisation       ion. According to a report by
                                            and the Carbon Brief:
        that is aviation’s great                                      
        enemy as it continues                 1.One-third of food produced        1.The fashion industry pro-
        its incredible growth.                for human consumption is lost       duces about 10% of annual
                                              or wasted globally.
                                                                                  global carbon emissions,
                                                                                  which is more than all mar-
                                                                                  itime shipping and flights
                       Fuel efficiency gain since 1960                            2.What’s more, fashion’s emis-

                                                                                  sions of harmful greenhouse
                                                                                  gases are projected to grow
                                                                                  by more than 50% by 2030.
                                                                                  3.The fashion sector (includ-
                                                                                  ing cotton farming) also uses
                                                                                  about 93 billion cubic meters
                                                                                  of water annually, represent-
                                                                                  ing 4% of all global freshwater
                                                                                  4.Just to manufacture a single
                                                                                  pair of jeans requires a stag-
                                                                                  gering 3,781 liters of water.
                                                                                  5.And every second of
                                                                                  every day, the equivalent of

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