Page 7 - AAA MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 7

Aviation’s Greatest Environmental

        Challenge is Stopping Misinformation

                                                    By Geoffrey Thomas

             viation’s greatest challenge   countries above avia-               In the May 14, 2023 of
             is not Net zero but stopping
        A the tsunami of misinfor-          tion contribute more                The Economist’s online
        mation about its extraordinary      than 97% of all CO2                 edition, the headline
        progress over the past 60 years     emissions.                          was “The aviation
        in reducing CO2 per passenger
        and its blueprint for the future.    Interestingly, after an apparent   industry wants to be
                                            backlash, that paragraph was        net zero—but not yet.”
        Climate change is real, of that     later omitted from the online
        there is no doubt but there         article but a Google search on      The first paragraph read: “Flying
        is so much misinformation           September 9, 2023, still had it as   is a dirty business. Airliners
        about the culprits that when        the headline paragraph as can       account for more than 2% of the
        the truth emerges it is barely      be seen below.                      annual global emissions from

        That is an enormous challenge
        for aviation as its superb track
        record is being dismissed by not
        only social media but also some
        of the world’s most prestigious
        magazines and newspapers –
        the Wall Street Journal and the

        On August 6, 2023, in a Wall
        Street Journal opinion piece,
        Fred Krupp President of
        Environmental Defense Fund,
        a U.S.-based nonprofit environ-
        mental advocacy group, claimed
        that “The global aviation industry   Screenshot taken on September 9, 2023, of the August 6th Wall Street Journal article
        is one of the largest sources        in a Google Search showing the claim of aviation’s impact.
        of climate pollution. If its emis-
        sions were measured alongside
        countries, it would be the sixth    In 2017, aviation contributed       the burning of fossil fuels, many
        largest.”                           1.46% of global CO2 accord-         times commercial aviation’s con-
                                            ing to the 2018 Report from         tribution to world GDP.”
        Technically he is right,            the Publications Office of the      The Economist’s article has no
                                            European Union when report-
        except that he failed               ing on the CO2 emissions of         attribution to the GDP claim
        to mention that the                 all world countries. It is now      whereas according to Oxford
                                                                                Economics aviation’s contribu-
                                            accepted that the figure is just
        five worst polluting                above 2%.                           tion is 4.1% of global GDP.
        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                               MAY - JULY 2024 | 7
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